Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Ladies and gentlemen, what do U see before U?

Or should I say WHO do you see before you? 
Is it me? 
Is it a relative of mine? 
A brother or sister or 1st cousin twice removed?
I would like to get to the bottom of this puzzle and there is only one "two legger" who can solve it - my step mommy, Denise.

Monday, February 25, 2013


As you can see, this blogging business is hard work.  And it is winter time.  And I am tired.  More later.  Nap time.

The "Fat Man"

The "Fat Man"
We find him strangely intriguing but they won't let us at him. I think they just want to torment us. Life sucks. One of these days me and Bob are going to get him.

This is the sink we hid under last week.

This is the sink we hid under last week.
Me and old Bob came thisclose to being wiped out by a tornado headed STRAGHT to Lakeview! That was a close one!