Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Toy Circle?

That's what Bear and Bigfoot think. See for yourself. And tremble, Dear Reader, as I did when I woke up, shook myself, and looked out onto my supposedly private, secure deck to be greeted by this ghastly apparition.

And who is it lurking just on the edge of the picture, admiring his handiwork? That's right, the accursed BOGGLER!!!!

And again using my toys. And again with the frogs and ducks. What can it all mean????

Curiously enough, both Bigfoot and Bear have noticed a pattern. The inner rows of the cross read Frog-Rabbit-Frog-Rabbit-Frog no matter what direction they are read. The two spokes of the wheel read Frog-Duck-Frog-Duck-Frog, although only one complete spoke of the wheel is completed.

Bigfoot believes THE BOGGLER was interrupted, probably by my appearance, before he could complete the design. Bear, on the other hand, suggests that he ran out of ducks and was too lazy to go down into the Well of Toys to retrieve any more.

They are having a big debate about this now, but my own concerns go deeper. How is this demon able to enchant my toys?? MY TOYS, damn it!!! And what does he want, or does he just want to mess with my mind?

I am at my wit's end.

Monday, August 16, 2010


That's right! Oh-oh!! But maybe it is Oh-oh for you, BOGGLER, because it is you who have slipped up. That's right, BOGGLER, you!!! I have found you out just when you thought you had me, THE INDOMITABLE PIP, fooled. Hah, hah!!!!! Who is fooled now?

To make matters short, lo and behold I wandered upstairs after a breakfast snack, une petite dejeunier, as it were, and I found another Ziggurat, this one topped off by the Uh-oh Ghost Toy pictured above. But in the wider-angle photo, what do you notice, Dear Reader, or does it momentarily escape even your eagle eye. Yes, who is that menacing specter lurking in the bookcase, that demented duck-like thing (again the duck motif), multicolored and full of bile if not THE BOGGLER, shown below in close up along with Yours Truly snapped in the act of discovery by "him."

The game's afoot, Watson!!!!!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Another Apparition

I am beside myself, dear reader. Another apparition. This time it again involves that weird white goofy looking thing, blindfolded with a frog on its head. What can it mean? I mean it is mind-boggling, which can only mean that this too is the work of THE BOGGLER!!!

Bear believes there is a message encoded in the objects the fiend chooses. They seem random to me, but then who knows what the message could be. Bear says they are the spirits of little animals demanding compensation because I have eaten them, but this is just baloney. I have eaten cows and fish and chickens, yeah, who hasn't? I mean I am an omnivore, but I have never killed anything except maybe bugs, but I don't see any bugs represented and so far there are no cows or chickens or fish, just sheep and lambs and piggies and frogs, and I swear I would never even bite one of them.

Bigfoot, on the other hand, opines that the objects are totemic in nature, that they represent spirits I should either emulate or learn from or communicate with or whatever. I admit it, my mind is boggled, that's the truth. You win, BOGGLER, you win.

I could ask "him" or "her" for advice, but that would admit defeat, wouldn't it? I will not. I will not admit I cannot solve the problem. You will not stump me, BOGGLER!!! Nobody can stump the PIP, nobody!!!!!!! Hah, hah, hah, hah, hah! Blah, blah, blah. Yadda, yadda, yadda. NOBODY.

The "Fat Man"

The "Fat Man"
We find him strangely intriguing but they won't let us at him. I think they just want to torment us. Life sucks. One of these days me and Bob are going to get him.

This is the sink we hid under last week.

This is the sink we hid under last week.
Me and old Bob came thisclose to being wiped out by a tornado headed STRAGHT to Lakeview! That was a close one!