Saturday, March 24, 2012

Mysteries Wrapped in Enigmas, etc.

OK, I was able to do some investigating.  Something did hit the door.  I'm not imagining things, as "he" suggests.  Nor will I shut up already, as "she" demands.

Here's what I found.  That's right.  A crumpled up map of London shown above.

Inside was a crumpled up sheet of paper with a bunch of mathematical symbols and stuff.  It was all covered with some kind of goo, but this is it when I was able to clean it up.  Many of the formulae seem to be attempts to retrieve the values "j", "b", and "e".

Finally, there is an origami figure of a snail.  Again with the snails.

What to make of it?  Listen, I'm only a five year old puppy.  I can't even read.  This is too much.

I think the whole thing was folded around some sort of stone, which I was unable to recover.  I suspect this stone contains the clue to the entire mystery.  Or maybe it is just a stone.  How should I know.  I'm only a five year old puppy, blah, blah, blah...

Where is my Jujube?

Did you hear that?

I may be wrong but I THINK I heard a really weird ***PLUNK*** hit my door!

It sounded like a hunk of SPACE JUNK or something from far away!  Do you think it has something to do with JUJUBEE??  I meditated on my favorite bear last night and tried to see WHERE she might be in the whole TOTALITY of the OUT OF DOORS.
That's big - really big!
 Then all of a sudden in the middle of the night - I heard this CRASH!

I'm going to go outside and snoop around - get back to ya later.  Wish me luck!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Ju Ju zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

It was the darndest thing!  While I was sleeping last night I had a dream....a dream wherein my little lost twin sister, Ju Ju Bee ("Bee") visited me.  She was all covered in some kind of shiny green goo and she was crying HELP ME!  I tried to run to where she was standing - like in a stall or a manger...but no matter how FAST my little legs ran I couldn't get anywhere.  I tried to bark to her but no sound would come out.
What does it all mean?  Where is she?  Is she in trouble?  What was that goo?
Then in a minute she was gone.  The last thing I saw was "Bee" standing in a big puddle of this green goo that was glowing in the dark - come to think of it (!!) - so was "Bee" glowing in the dark like a little lost star that had tumbled out of the universe!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Missing: One Maltillon puppy girl - "Ju Ju Bee". Heartbroken


Ju Ju Bee - 5 year old (by now) Maltillon puppy.  Twin sister to "Pip" - born on Thanksgiving Day, 5 years ago (do the math!)

Heartbroken brother needs to find her.  They were separated at age - very small.

Huge reward!!! 

No (few) questions asked. 

I (Pip) must find Ju Ju!! 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Ode to Turkish cheese....

Ode to turkish cheese...

Oh please oh please you drive me to my knees.

Divine and sweet like honey made from bees.

Yet smooth and tasty as a breeze through the trees.

I would give a farthing to have access to my darling

every day and every night - my life would be so bright

if only I could have Turkish cheese whenever I please!!


OK, I have got to tell you that I have made the most fantastic discovery.  I mean, here I was, just kicking back after welcoming "him" and "her" home from one of their mysterious outings that seem to involve running until they are about to drop dead and then going out for something they call lunch.

So I'm saying I'm just snuggling up to "him" and about to drop off to sleep when they decide to do yoga.  I'm cool with that, so I drop down from the bed and demonstrate a couple of downward dog poses the way they are meant to be done by real dogs not pretend dogs and what should tickle my little nostrils but the scent of some heavenly delight of the cheese variety coming to me from, of all places, "her" purse.

That's right, straight out of the phoney-baloney Louis Vuitton knockoff itself and direct to the super-sensitive olfactory processor known as my nose, sadly still somewhat winterized despite my best efforts.

Needless to say, I raised quite a fuss, an intolerable, ungodly, noisy yet discreet fuss that resulted in breaking down "his" defenses.  "He" located the delectable morsel wrapped in a napkin and covered by a kerchief right smack in the middle of the zippered container.

It was still warm, a scrumptious grilled slice of bliss, a cheese unknown to my palate until this day, something called Hellim or Hallouma.  It is a Turkish delight made from sheep's or goat's milk or something.

How it got there, how it somehow burrowed into the bowels of that bag which heretofore has held little if any interest to me is beyond understanding.  I mean, "he" had some long blah, blah, blah, yadda, yadda, yadda story about a Turkish restaurant and well, I didn't buy it, not one bit of it.

Loyal followers, this is the joy of the hunt.  This is what I do.  This is why I live.

The "Fat Man"

The "Fat Man"
We find him strangely intriguing but they won't let us at him. I think they just want to torment us. Life sucks. One of these days me and Bob are going to get him.

This is the sink we hid under last week.

This is the sink we hid under last week.
Me and old Bob came thisclose to being wiped out by a tornado headed STRAGHT to Lakeview! That was a close one!