Sunday, February 19, 2017

This is a dream haunted house in Galena on Park Avenue.

Its really scary.  Are you scared?  I went on a ghost walk there one rainy night a few years ago.  I had my own umbrella but there were people there without one so I had to give mine up to them and be carried like a nerd.
We went to the cemetery - I think I saw a ghost.  'Crawled in through the fence.
The history teacher who was our guide said a rich lady's husband died and she lived up the hill. She had a headstone built SO HIGH that she could see it from her bedroom window.  Cool!

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Definitely interesting....

if you like a challenge that just how would I find my peepee papers in the middle of the night?  I'd need a Google map or something...

Image result for strange houses

Well, we have been checking out a lot of houses but

a Hello Kitty house - now that is something really bizarre.....
Image result for strange houses

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Goody! Going out to look for "open houses" today

Maybe I'll find one with a YUUUUGE yard ....and "garbage box" - whatever that is.  Seems to be something that goes with a "yard" which I'm getting an idea about.
Its a place that is like "walkee's" but without a harness and there is a wall around it - no not like that bad "wall" - a good wall that keeps bad people out!

Thursday, February 9, 2017

From Phoumi: Listen, Kid!

Spot was a dog from the fifties.  Times change.  You can't be jumping up on garbage cans and running all over the neighborhood doing, I daresay, you know what.  I am your grand-puppy ancestor or something like that.  There is a bond there, I know that.

Another piece of advice.  Don't trust Golden Retrievers.  They are evil.  Worse than Standard Poodles.  Trust me on that one.  Bitter experience.

And don't be making fun of the picture.  See what you look like when you are 35 years old.

Per psychic telecommunication from the "old man" himself, "Spot" McGonigal

a "yard" is this:

-Belongs to YOU and no one ELSE

-You can do ANYTHING you want in YOUR "yard" and that means ANYTHING (!) sans "blue bag" if you want to know, nosey!!

-Oh - I forgot to say - a "yard" is big....really fur as the eye can see - and then some.

-Did I say its ALL MINE???  Well, per Mr Spot McGonigal -it is.

-Secret advice from Spot - if you ever need to ESCAPE and feel the wild wind blowing in your long hairy fur....or long furry hair....just jump on the "garbage box" and go man go!!!!

-Er...."garbage box???"  

Here we go again.....

Is this the "house o' the future" for me?

They are talking about getting a new house. With a yard for me. Hmmmmmm.....sounds good.
Er....what's a "yard?"

The "Fat Man"

The "Fat Man"
We find him strangely intriguing but they won't let us at him. I think they just want to torment us. Life sucks. One of these days me and Bob are going to get him.

This is the sink we hid under last week.

This is the sink we hid under last week.
Me and old Bob came thisclose to being wiped out by a tornado headed STRAGHT to Lakeview! That was a close one!