Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Natural Nose

Many thanks to that weird black cat who sponsored the stove polish commercial, but we prefer the more natural solution.

SUN, SUN, SUN! Here comes the sun, and as you may observe from the photograph, we were waiting for it. A few more sessions collecting these revivifying rays and we will be good to go, anywhere, anytime, without embarrassment.

Have I told you, dear readers, of the remarkable qualities of the canine nose. I think I have noted in the sidebar that my own humble schnozz can freeze yogurt. It's true. There are numerous testimonials to that effect. I'm not kidding.

Monday, March 15, 2010

RX: Nose leather color restorer!

Does YOUR nose change colors during the cold, sunless winter months?  Does it go from velvet black to pasty grey with a tiny bit of pink?

Are YOU embarrassed to go outside and show yourself around the park, building concourse, elevator or underground parking garage?

Do you have to flee from the piparzazzi because you can't bear to have your photo taken - even at Xmas time sitting on Santa's lap?

Do you avoid walking past mirrors, plate glass windows and the like?

Well, if any of these conditions plague your probiscus try Black Cat Enamel Stove Polish!
I know it sounds CRAZY but just try it.  One application with a cotton dabber at bedtime and another one in the morning.  In just ONE WEEK you will notice an improvement in the color AND texture.  You will soon go from a dry, cracked pale beakie to a lustrous, soft and shiny ebony honker that you will be PROUD to show off all over the park and the better haunts of the city and countryside.

Try it!  Money back guarantee if you aren't pleased with the results!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

In the Green Zone

"He" made an interesting observation for a change the other day. "He" noted that I seem to like the color green, that I instinctively seek out the color green, that I have an inordinate number of green toys, etc. After an exhaustive inventory of my toy stocks, as well as a preliminary search of the Well of Toys, I have concluded that "he" is right.

And really, what's not to like about green? Green is good. I am good. It is a natural match. I've done the research, too. Green is a calming color, green is the color of nature and all that. Perhaps I am unconsciously seeking an inner calm.

Don't get me going about green. It is the color of my beloved frogs, the source of one of my more memorable adventures. It is the color of Spongebobby and Bubba Bob and Green Thing. And the green silk comforter.

Wow! Green power. I think we are on to something here. Pictured above is a photo of yours truly surrounded by green toys. Wow! Green is the way to go.

The "Fat Man"

The "Fat Man"
We find him strangely intriguing but they won't let us at him. I think they just want to torment us. Life sucks. One of these days me and Bob are going to get him.

This is the sink we hid under last week.

This is the sink we hid under last week.
Me and old Bob came thisclose to being wiped out by a tornado headed STRAGHT to Lakeview! That was a close one!