Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sister says you better not fib!!

You know that I will never look like that monster.  I am sweet little Pip who currently looks a little like my third cousin twice removed, "Reggie" the puppy and we have no monsters in our blood stream or jeans.  Tell the truth, don't prevaricate, young man or you'll get your big ears boxed!! Ouch!!!!

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The "Fat Man"

The "Fat Man"
We find him strangely intriguing but they won't let us at him. I think they just want to torment us. Life sucks. One of these days me and Bob are going to get him.

This is the sink we hid under last week.

This is the sink we hid under last week.
Me and old Bob came thisclose to being wiped out by a tornado headed STRAGHT to Lakeview! That was a close one!