Saturday, May 18, 2013

Hmmmm.....I don't want to cast any aspersions or anything but......

Who pops into YOUR mind when you consider the goings on of the past week?  Well, lets just review what happened:  Important item lost?  Check  Power outage?  Check  Largest drop in temperature in a single day in history? Check

3rd base coach totally screws up sending in Barwin Darney yesterday and the Cubs lose to the hated Mets yesteday? Check

Obama has one of the worst weeks of his presidency with 3 count 'em THREE scandals? Check


So WHO popped into your brain when considering all the above disasters??  Do the initials "J. B. (as in "Jet Blue" - the mighty mite mega force from the 4th dimension - come to mind??)

Friday, May 17, 2013

This happened to me last night!

I was next to the one in green.  What a sad and pathetic sight I was.  Too ashamed to post a photo.  Just look at these poor mugs.
What is it with the two I live with where they think they can just pass me off to a person once a month and have her do vile and nasty things to me like DUNKING and SOAKING and SOAPING and SCRUBBING and some in VERY personal places!
There outta be a law.....

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Hey, World!

I'm in Door County this week.  Safe from the prying eyes of you-know-who, he who may not be named, i.e., one Reginald Interloper.

Boy, am I pooped.  They put you through the ringer here I must say.  Five hour car ride.  Ten mile hikes.  Sometimes you need to just kick back and relax with your friends.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

"Bilbo's" runnin' buddy:

Goes by the moniker of "Jet Blue."  If you see her - BEWARE!

Yes, she seems small, tiny even, and delicate but she has GIANT courage and can even jump over a mountain if she has to!  So far she hasn't had to but she is well, awesome!!

She can read your mind, tell your fortune and read your tea leaves like a pro so watch OUT.

....Just sayin'


If you see this dog in the general vicinity of the Glen or environs - please notify the DOG CATCHER at once.  He is bigger than they thought he would be and has really long legs and floppy ears.  he is a terrible law breaker and has been known to violate tons of internet rules such as blog busting!
Do not approach unless fully armed.
He may be traveling with a small ally who weighs only 4 lbs but has mystical powers strong enough to stop a fully grown human in their tracks.

(Hmmmmmmm......this is turning out to be a tad thornier problem than I thought it would be.  Sucker is devious and quite tricky.  Got passed the bars AND the image of the croc...........HOW DID HE DO IT????  Well, I'm going to buy some time by getting him picked up by the dog catcher - then its back to the drawing boards for moi.)

4 sale: one male dog of a certain age....


Is never constipated.
"Barker" is extremely good condition - ear splittingly high and loud.
Long white hairs cling well to everything.
Organic food is not too expensive or hard to get anymore.
Is on first name basis with top groomer in Lakeview.
Likes to stick his tongue out at passer's by.

Price:$3.00 or best offer

signed,         "Bilbo from The Glen" (hardee har har,  - so much for your barricades, old timer!)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013 idea just dawned on me........

To be on the safe side, I have just purchased an image of an alligator......he is going to sit right ouside my super barricade ....just in case the curly haired trickster tries to do an end run.

He IS youthful, he has that going for him but, so I have to be extra vigilant to protect the "Ear."

Yep, this ought to do it!!

The "Fat Man"

The "Fat Man"
We find him strangely intriguing but they won't let us at him. I think they just want to torment us. Life sucks. One of these days me and Bob are going to get him.

This is the sink we hid under last week.

This is the sink we hid under last week.
Me and old Bob came thisclose to being wiped out by a tornado headed STRAGHT to Lakeview! That was a close one!