Saturday, March 28, 2009

Dear Mr. Postman,



Dear Sir/Madam:

Can you KINDLY contact your "inner 8 ball" and tell me HOW a bunch of "people" can be all shook up over a "being" who is "neither here nor there" in terms of its LIVABILITY when that BEING who has to be PLUGGED IN so he/she can LIVE at ALL when there is a PERFECTLY WONDERFUL AND *BETTER* "being" RIGHT in the same biosphere who is NOT plugged in and is CLEAN and has a sweet nature yet THAT BEING is constantly IGNORED and VILIFIED???


Here is a photo I snapped of my comatose counterpart:

(I think they should "pull the plug" - don't you???)

On the OTHER mitt, here am I - the very PICTURE of a strong, HEALTHY specimen:

I rest my case!!

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The "Fat Man"

The "Fat Man"
We find him strangely intriguing but they won't let us at him. I think they just want to torment us. Life sucks. One of these days me and Bob are going to get him.

This is the sink we hid under last week.

This is the sink we hid under last week.
Me and old Bob came thisclose to being wiped out by a tornado headed STRAGHT to Lakeview! That was a close one!