Saturday, January 30, 2010

Ok, all you cats and kittens! C'mon down to:

the swingin' hot spot for jukin' and jivin' and dancin' the night away!
Meet Miss Jilly herself, fresh off the "circuit" from Mt Vernon, Illinois for your entertaining pleasure.  She'll croon, she'll swoon she'll steal your heart long as she's not past her naptime, that is!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Hey - whose THIS?????????

I heard, via the internet grapevine, that there's a NEW little dude in town and I can't say I approve....
Yes, he's CUTE and has a baby panda like face which might possibly be construed as somewhat ADORABLE and his fur looks rather especially FLUFFY and SOFT  and those helicopter ears are amazingly LARGE and POINTY with some remarkably nice feathering......BUT he's just too too much like me!!!
Plus he's way little and tiny and well, its just not right that there should be another one of ME around in the same town!!!

I'm going to HAVE to move!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

My Nemesis

OK, so I am obsessed with this thing, this green throw schmata thing that gets me all tangled up in its fringes. It is EVIL! But it is also very soft and warm and quite a secure place to bury treasures like Spongebobby and the interconnected florescent green ball things that are really cool.

One day they left it on my hassock so I would be warm, but - wouldn't you know? - I got all tangled up in it while I was defending the place against home invaders. I was rolled up in the damned thing like a death shroud when "he" came home and rescued me.

I HATE to be rescued. It is so demeaning. But then again, this is my NEMESIS. It calls to me like a siren at sea. I cannot resist its call. I shall be avenged. But meanwhile, it is soft and cuddly. What am I to do, dear Blogee?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Dear Little Pip of Pip's Ear

Imagine that, Little Pip, your sister Jujube and I were browsing in the News Agent's Shop in Cricklewood when, lo and behold, we happened upon a copy of Riches. Who knew? I mean, we were floored.

Lets get together, sweetheart. AND SOON!!! I'm sure that underneath that gruff exterior there is a sensitive soul with a fun-loving nature and lots of money. Lets have a party. AND SOON!!!!!!

P.S. I have sent you a package of pickled sweetbreads as well as a special kibble made from loopy beans grown in a secluded valley in the Himalayas. These beans are known to have special hallucinogenic properties. Lets tie one on!

Little Lulu
The Houndry
Big Brittlesborough House
In the Nettlesworth Forest

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I dreamed I went to heaven in my "Puppia" harness....

Hmmph!  Not REALLY!  "They" are mad at Puppia cuz my harness broke.  Just think - I might have been running along the exercise path in Lincoln Park and BOOM!! off into the darkness!
Yikes!  I'm glad it was just a dream and I was really only lying in my bed on Lake Shore Drive on my foamy mattresss with extra cushioning!
Whew!  That was a close call!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Lost in the Snow

No, I personally have not been lost in the snow, although I have been walking in the snow and the ice and the cold lately and despite it being initially new and fun, it is cold and your feet freeze up and it is pretty yucky. And I will not wear those stupid "booties" on my feet which are really just balloons.

The title of this post refers instead to a nifty little story that "he" finally read to me. It is all about a little puppy who goes out in the snow and gets lost and has to seek the advice of owls and is persecuted by nasty little foxes but finally gets rescued by his mom. A touching story. It reminds me of a similar experience I had when I was very little and I was abandoned in a field in Indiana, alone on the cold, snowy ground, but kindly rescued by "them."

But enough of these maudlin anecdotes. She filmed the whole thing. I must apologize for my behavior during the reading. I was distracted by the little toy dog bookmark which "he" would not even let me sniff because I could choke to death on it like Okra did or something like that. What a load of baloney. I want that bookmark, and I will have it.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Problems, problems, problems, holiday problems. What can I say? So, fans, please excuse the long delay. And thanks for all the recipes, especially the last one. Yeah, thanks a bunch (NOT!!!). We got in a lot of trouble with Santa for that one and we nearly burned the deck as well. Stir constantly for 48 hours??? AND HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THE STUFF WAS FLAMMABLE?

But despite the cold and stuff and all the recriminations about the so-called treats - I REALLY THOUGHT THAT BEING FROM THE NORTH POLE AND ALL THAT SANTA COULD HOLD HIS LIQUOR - Santa was very good to us. So lets just let bygones be bygones. OK????!!!!

Below is a little treat for your amusement, dear bloggee. It is a video I commissioned of me, yours truly, the indomitable Pip of Pip's Ear, opening one of his presents, in this case a pretty neat little toy I call "Tequilla Bomb." Enjoy, but be forewarned, I do tend to get a little carried away with the process of unwrapping a gift. It's not always pretty.

The "Fat Man"

The "Fat Man"
We find him strangely intriguing but they won't let us at him. I think they just want to torment us. Life sucks. One of these days me and Bob are going to get him.

This is the sink we hid under last week.

This is the sink we hid under last week.
Me and old Bob came thisclose to being wiped out by a tornado headed STRAGHT to Lakeview! That was a close one!