Sunday, December 12, 2010

Here are your tickets, ole bloggee o'mine.

The boat will be by to pick you up at the appointed hour.  Be prepared for a wild trip (!)

Now I want to prepare you that things aren't exactly, well, DONE or ever NEAR DONE or, frankly, even STARTED to be DONE but if you have a vivid imagination (and I think you do....) all will be clear soon. 

So if you want to IMAGINE a vision of the FUTURE - maybe YOUR LUCKY FUTURE - life without end (slight hyperbole there) every day a voyage into the kind of happiness you only DREAMED of!

Popularity, surrounded by beautiful "people" (or whatever), magnifico homes, designer "clothes", food and drink to DYE for (!!) rapturous surroundings where you can commune with nature as it was INTENDED to be - raw, wild, untamed, a little TERRIFYING but that's part of the fun, isn't it???  After all its not KIDDYLAND, after all.

Hobnob with high society.  Cocktails on the veranda, Fred Astaire type "people" darting and dashing across the dance floor to the slippery, silvery tones of Maestro Jimmy Tigehoohoo and his band of renown.  Then adjourn to the cavernous Paridiso Room for a scrumptious meal of your choice prepared by chefs known only on Reality TV and BEYOND!

After you complete your FIVE STAR elegante supper,  strip down to your "skivvies" (if you're wearing any HAHHAHAHA) and take a dive into our super deep (59') pool for a dousing frolic with your gorgeous new "friends" hahhahhahha.  SPLASH with precious stone studded beach toys, laugh HILARIOUSLY with your fun-loving "pals" as you dunk and dip one another, ride on each others backs (!) while you howl at the moon, and, later, just lay on your back as you gasp for air barely able to do so as you think about the FUN you are having and will CONTINUE to have as long as you are a resident of the most UNIQUE and EXCLUSIVE new retirement community, the breath taking (!) and very EXPENSIVE, "SNAILANDIA" the home of your wildest dreams - and then some!

So pack your metal suitcases and trunks for a STUPENDOUS and did I say FREE overnight stay where we will all sit around the old campfire, and HYPOTHESIZE about YOUR future!!

SENOR PIP, master of ceremonies and BOB VIVANT 

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The "Fat Man"

The "Fat Man"
We find him strangely intriguing but they won't let us at him. I think they just want to torment us. Life sucks. One of these days me and Bob are going to get him.

This is the sink we hid under last week.

This is the sink we hid under last week.
Me and old Bob came thisclose to being wiped out by a tornado headed STRAGHT to Lakeview! That was a close one!