Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I was up all night constructing this impregnable barricade. It is totally foolproof!

No way any critter with a "Miss Toni" perm is EVER going to get through THIS tungsten steel barrier.  Its been tested in Alcatraz and Statesville prisons - no way, no how not possible will a bone gnawing camera hound break through!  He'd have to have a degree in PRISONOMICS to figure out that lock!  Cost me quite a bit but I charged it to my reclusive uncle, "JP."

I will really sleep well tonight, in fact I think I will go have a little snooze right now!  By y'all!  Be good!!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Hey, Photoshop Boy!

Good luck with your frozen "treats"!  I had those for my third birthday party.  Not only are they three years old, but they are made of 95% Carageenan and 5% Yak Fat.  Ha, ha, ha!  I took one teeny, tiny lick and had to drink a quart of Evian water.

The home remedy above may help.  Good luck with that.

Oh look! Oh this is just SWELL! There used to be THREE ice cream cups here!!!

Don't even tell me - you mean when I was busy trying to protect my "Ear Blog" that that ....lanky 4 legger ( who will remain nameless for the present) snuck in behind my firewall and WANTONLY gobbled up TWO of my late night scrumptious treat cups???

How DID he do it??  Now this is going TOOOO far, "Mr. Bilbo" Johnson - there I called him out publically!

This will keep that pesky 2 year old out!

See, I stayed up all night to try to figger a way to protect Pip's Ear against certain suburban......interlopers....and, finally, about 4 AM I realized that the best thing to do is the most obvious!  So I stayed up another half hour to rummage in Google Images to find just the right set of PRISON BARS that would do the trick.
HAH!!  I dare that long legged trickster to try to break in again!  I DOUBLE DARE him, in fact.
P.S. I hear via the grapevine that he has a new Nylabone....willl see how long THAT lasts! Hahahahahahahhahaha

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

That painting, however feeble, counts, too!

And don't think I buy that "halo" dealie.   An invasion of my space AT ANY LEVEL is a VIOLATION and must be reported to the FULLEST extent of the internet law - right to the very top.  I won't sleep until this case is resolved. 

What the Sam Hell???

Now, lookee here.  I don't know WHO is hacking my blog or WHAT....but I am starting to feel somewhat cross bordering on annoyed that the above individual is popping up on the "Pip's Blog" or whatever you call it.
There is something mighty fishy going on around here and I plan to get to the bottom of it.  Hmmmmmm...I smell a salmon or ???????
From NOW ON....I, Pip, absolutely FORBID to ALLOW any STRANGE beings from interloping onto my BLOG.  No manner of black noses, floppy ears or cute, tilted heads with adorable eyes will be tolerated HEREIN!
Pip has spoken!!

This is not me! Definitely. I'm 100% sure that there is no "me" there - not one iota!

SO, if you see this "Soulmate" person you can rest assured that you are not seeing me, that is "Pip" of "Pip's Ear."
Apparently you will be seeing some poor Soulmate who does not have his own blog and, therefore, somehow, seems to have forced his mug onto MY blog, that is "Pip's Ear's" blog.
Now I hope you are not confused - to reiterate - under NO circumstances is the above "Soulmate" me  PIP OF PIP'S EAR.
Thank you for your patience.

The "Fat Man"

The "Fat Man"
We find him strangely intriguing but they won't let us at him. I think they just want to torment us. Life sucks. One of these days me and Bob are going to get him.

This is the sink we hid under last week.

This is the sink we hid under last week.
Me and old Bob came thisclose to being wiped out by a tornado headed STRAGHT to Lakeview! That was a close one!