Saturday, December 31, 2016


How did HE get my earphone muffs?  Oh, I get it....he's the new downstairs neighbor.  How did he come upstairs?  I bet he slipped in when the boiler men were here....

Now what?  No surfboard, no Burmuda, no ear muffs....what is to become of Pip???

Anyone see my noise cancelling headphones?

I tore my play room apart, limb from limb, and 'just can't find 'em.  Drat!

Friday, December 30, 2016

Damn right a storm is brewing.....!!!

Donald-Ann!!!  (New kid at 1600 Pensylvania Ave.Hush up!) 

WHERE are my noise cancelling headphones when I need them?

This has to stop...or my name isn't Highly Sensitive Pip (and it IS!)

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Oh-oh! Storm is Brewing


I was just having the BEST dream eve - I was riding a huge curl in beautiful Ballybunion when SOME HORRID sound woke me up!!  I have to get to the bottom of this one, bloggee! This has GOT to stop!!

Yikes - I was able to cadge an Aer LIngus ticket - straight to Ballybunion!

Surf's up!

Don't forget - the best place to go to view a laughing cookaburra is in....

Surfing in Ballybunion.....

Ah, now there's a fine thing to do on a day when there's nothing else to do....

Oh, to have the humor and spirit of the laughing cookaburra....

 The sprightly little guy, always with the witty retort, the ready smile, the compassionate beak peck. He is one who truly enjoys life - no matter the obstacle or tribulation, he throws back his long, pointy beak and  laughs into the wind!

Definitely on my bucket list for 2017 - think "beak!!"

Monday, December 26, 2016

And Then the Ghost of Christmas Past

Said:  Wake up, kid.  Your time is now.  You are as young as you feel.  Etc., etc., etc.  you get the drift. I am still the Sun Puppy!!!

The gift of.........youth....

Oh, to be a young pup again. 
Callow?  Check. 
Immature?  Check
Afraid of stairs and long hallways?  Check check
Guilty of "accidents" under the bed?  I'll take the "5th" on that one!

Still, it would be nice......

Sunday, December 25, 2016 dream presents from Santy.....what would they be????

Beach house in Bermuda....

A friend....

Red stiletto's!!!! 

A rich uncle....

Santy Paws!!! We love you!!

Yow - it's wonderful to see good ole Santy Paws again!!  I love you, Santy!!

Yes, as soon as I spied "Dobby" and then got my magic sock  - I just KNEW Santy would be there! 

Granted, he's looking a tad "dotty" and, not to put to fine a point on it but, shall we say, long in the tooth?  Still he's a grand old boy in my book!  'love you, Santy!! ❤️❤️❤️

I wonder what you've got in your  jolly bag o' gifts???

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Pip Has Something Dobbie Wants

And there is a price.

Not him....

Oh, no!  How did he find us?

Oh, oh! Not That Again

Oooops! Gotta run.....

Someone's at the back in a minute, bloggee!!


emolument - definition of emolument in English | Oxford Dictionaries
noun. usually emoluments. formal. A salary, fee, or profit from employment or office: ... 'A payment made to an employee on the termination of his employment is fully taxable unless it is compensation for a change in the functions or emoluments, or for the total loss of the employment.'
Say WHAT???? 

Friday, December 23, 2016


Wow, am I glad I gave that geezer CD a call!  What an eye-opener!  It turns out that, in some respects, depending on the circumstances, peanut butter cookies can be viewed as an emolument.  Who knew?  Seen from a certain viewpoint, any good thing that has value can be an emolument.  Of course, peanut butter cookies are undoubtredly good things.  So... Q.E.D.

The question then becomes whether I can accept them or - and I am not owning up to anything here, not at all (I am not a crook) - take them, like, I suppose just, you know grabbing them, OK, stealing them.  There, I said it.  Sue me.

Turns out I can do anything I like because, see, I am an animal companion, a pet, and so I am above the law.  Laws are for people.  Hah!!!  Q.E.D.  Habeus, schmabeus.  Bah!  Humbug!

Sadly for Ned, however, not so much.  Those cookies are emoluments.  And the worst kind.  Plus, nobody even offered them.  So Ned is a crook.  Q.E.D.

Lock him up!

The plot.....

Look who popped up on the outside webcam.... Are those peanut butter crumbs on his puckered lips????  

What do we have here???

Contrary to what "Nukie Ned" has advised us re: going "outside" to look for cooky thief (!) we opted to peer around our very own kitchen from whence the cookies in question were pilfered.
Lo and behold - what do I see but the above suspicious trio.
HAHAHA - "What happens when Buddha and two parrots walk into a bar...." "What did Buddha say to the parrots? etc"
Yes, droll conversations surface, yet....does amusing repartee  bring Pip any closer to answers, i.e. enlightenment?  We think not (note the slight elevation of discourse with the addition of the "royal we?"
Now, this is an intriguing scenario but what the hell does it mean?
Sigh....maybe I should don my harness and trip around outside???  I heard a distinct quacking sound and "you know you" is quite prone to....peanut butter.....

Thursday, December 22, 2016



Yes what the old black and white dude says IS pithy yet my new buddy,  "Nukin' Ned,"makes a good point...someone is trying to "slip me a mickey" - for you folks, that means "pull the wool over my eyes."  I've got to get to the bottom of this....myself.  To thine own self be true!
Now to begin my investigation......Ole Neddy tole me to step outside and check things out for myself....which is just what I'm goona do!

I Can Help

Listen, kid, I saw your last post. You don't want to fall in with Ned's crowd.  I think I can help.  No guarantees, but, you look like a good kid who's maybe got himself in too deep.  I've been dead for a while, but I can still pull some strings.  Call me.  This could prove to be an interesting case.


My new Twitter follower, "Nuke 'em" Ned,  said for me to STICK TO MY GUNS! 
I will soon - very soon - produce UNSTOPPABLE TRUTH that I have been WRONGLY condemned and will PROVE it and soon, too.
So go ahead and make that "new" batch - I dare you to do it!!

Nice Try, Fluffball

But we have incontrovertible evidence you are trying to cover your tracks by implicating an earlier version of yourself.  That's right, trickster.  That photo is ten years old.  See the attached police sketch of you, that's right, you, making off by bicycle with an unknown accomplice.

Him?  Is he the culprit?  According to Pip  - he has been sneaking into the house when the wine delivery man comes in.  Hmmmm....seems he is moving in downstairs and is over visiting with his folks.
I dunno.  What do YOU think, bloggee?
He looks pretty little to be stuffed full of peanut butter cookies but I guess its possible....but I have my doubts.
Oh well, we'll just have to make a BIG NEW BATCH today.  I hope they don't DISAPPEAR this time!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

What is going on here?  Is that the very scrumptious cookie box that was supposed to go into the mail today?  And where, pray tell, are the contents of that cookie box?
Hmmmmm....someone looks mighty guilty to me but not so quick he says.  Some one ELSE destroyed the box and ran off with the cookies....but who would do such a dastardly deed? 
Huh!!  Sorry, Pip, for the accusation - now that I look at it from your point of view, I can see that you were just examining the evidence to look for clues.....DNA???  Finger prints??? I get it!!  Now to look for those tell tail crumbs!!

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Holy cow - Pip was right (?) - 'just got a note under the door from the "Maleman" that said, in no uncertain terms, that ugly cookys were "not aloud!"  Yikes - that was close.  So glad he warned us!!!

Wow - now what do we do with them???  Two BIG tins of "ugly cookys."  Too bad the organic peanut butter flavor was really powerful...they just were so soft they broke apart just as you were about to pop them in your mouth.   NOW WHAT???  They are already packed away in their mailer boxes so we have to send them SOMEWHERE.

Put out an ad on CRAIG'S LIST??  Homeless shelter?  What a problem and so close to XMAS!

Friday, December 16, 2016

No No No NO!!

No.  Do not even think of sending away any of these cookies.  Especially the peanut butter cookies.  I mean it.  There will be consequences.  Serious consequences.  Don't even think of it.  I'm serious.  NO!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

There is a tree in my living room.  Who do I call to get it out of here?  911?  311? 411? I'm going to try them all out.  Good bye weird tree with lights (??)
I got a compliment today from a pretty lady - beautiful mom, too.   signed Pip

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Am I Cool or What?

I mean.  I ask you.  You know the answer.

Friday, December 9, 2016

There was some mighty suspicious goings-on today RIGHT outside my window! 
Wow - earth shattering machines, as tall as the Empire State Building, hugmongous trucks pulling long heavy things that rattled my whole building.  WTF?
I was so upset I had to check it out, then take a long nap and forget the whole DAMN thing.

Poor dad....he's slipping....

As you all know, I am the LAST one to cast aspersions on anyone but I have to say.....c'mon folks.  Lets have a little decorum...I mean your shirt says you are a University of Chicago man and, well, is this a photo you would want in the almuni news, hmmmmmmm?

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Another Birthday

Woe is me.  I didn't care too much for the cupcake.  Too sweet.  No crunch.  Still, it is the thought that counts and the serenade was heart-warming.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Thursday, September 29, 2016

We Are Happy

What an ordeal.  Groomer.  Workmen.  Storms.  Time to recuperate.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Saturday, April 23, 2016

The Game is Afoot

After the treats!  No quarter.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Thursday, January 14, 2016

The "Fat Man"

The "Fat Man"
We find him strangely intriguing but they won't let us at him. I think they just want to torment us. Life sucks. One of these days me and Bob are going to get him.

This is the sink we hid under last week.

This is the sink we hid under last week.
Me and old Bob came thisclose to being wiped out by a tornado headed STRAGHT to Lakeview! That was a close one!