Friday, December 26, 2014

Belated Merry Christmas

I have been so busy lately that I have neglected my devoted following.  Anyway, above is a candid shot of yours truly, the one and only Pip, enjoying one of his presents, in this case, a very nice Penguin.  I must say that this year the quantity of presents has been rather disappointing.  So far there has been the aforementioned Penguin and some sort of Santa Claus/Nutcracker that I suspect has been re-gifted from my birthday.  There has been talk of a helicopter that sounds both intriguing and ominous, but so far no delivery.

Stay tuned.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Play You Must

A new friend: Yoda.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Birthday Boy

Yesterday I celebrated my birthday.  It was a wonderful day, full of surprises and treats and presents.  Above is a photo of myself approaching a candlelit tower of treats while they sang the birthday song.  Lucky me, once I was able to extinguish the flames, I discovered two shortbread cookies and a salmon treat.  Yum.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Here Comes the Sun King

Wow!  Is there anything better than lolling in the sun?  I don't think so.

Monday, September 22, 2014


How often we misjudge others upon first meeting.  I remember when I first encountered Bigfoot.  "They" had given him to me as a "gift."  Some gift, I thought!  They had propped him up in our bed.   When I first saw him, I kind of freaked out and hid under the bed.  I mean, this guy was big.  Also weird.

Gradually, however, I became accustomed to his presence.  He was kind of cuddly.  He provided a secure hiding place when I wanted to bury Bubba Bob.  He was hard to move, but, on the other hand, it was rather gratifying to finally pull the big lug around.  He also put up with a lot of indignity without a hint of protest.

Lately I have taken to falling asleep all snuggled up with Bigfoot in the computer room, after sharing a cookie with "him," playing some fetch, and eating some kibble.

Life is good.  Bigfoot is good.  What can I say?

Monday, August 25, 2014

An Amazing Discovery

Tonight I was just settling down for a nap when "she" met with a slight accident.  She bumped her toe on a great trunk that sits next to our bed.  After much cursing and questioning what on Earth was in there and so on, the trunk was opened.  Lo and behold, who should pop out but Polly Parrot, an old friend of my youth (pictured above).

My first thought was that we had discovered yet another entrance to the Well of Toys.  However, I was assured that no such place existed and that I should never mention that place again.  The trunk does appear to be some sort of Treasure Chest that has been hidden from me most unfairly for some time.  It bears further investigation and will receive such at my leisure.

Back to the case at hand, though, what a delightful creature old Polly is.  She has a long raggedy neck suitable for chewing and when you chomp on her she emits the most annoying cacophony of shrieks and whistles and whatnot.

How fickle I was in my youth to abandon her after fifteen minutes of play.  I shall devote the rest of the evening to this entertainment no matter how often they tell me to shut up.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Canis Shmanis

This is just the sort of thing I am always hearing from "him."  Speciesism pure and simple.  How come "they" get to name everything and define everything?  I mean, who has the hyperactive imagination here?  Dogs in the sky.  Lions in the sky.  Bears in the sky.  Connect the dots, people.

Ahem....someone is making comments.

My alter ego, Ivan Ivanovich, says someone has been lurking in the "comments' section AND that someone has been passing out willy nilly advice and we know what they say about advice and dead fish, don't we?

Dog Days

Hot, humid, yucky, wet, etc.  Why are these the "dog days?"  I mean, I am a dog, or at least partly dog.  What have these days to do with me?  I don't like them.  I don't know any dogs who like them, although, to be honest, I do not know many dogs.  Maybe these dogs like the "dog days."  I have no way of knowing in my limited experience.  I think they are more appropriately called "wasp days" or "fly days."  I notice a lot of these creatures flying around.  I don't like them much.  I like them even less than the "dog days."

P.S.  The picture above depicts me in deep thought and also shows my waterfall ears to great advantage.  Thought it would be nice to share.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Hmmmm.....whatever happened to "3's company, 6 is too damn many!"

I mean, c'mon folks.  Its very nice to invite the WHOLE family and all but Pip (of Pip's Ear fame) is getting crowded out here.
True, he did have some delicious treats but he had had room for a few more if the truth be known when he looked over to the Pane's bag - they were all gone!
Sob.....had to wait til 2 AM (!!) for some miserable old stale kibble.

Wow -look at this cute threesome that was seen at Millennium Park last night!

I hear, via the grapevine, that they had some delicious treats and then went walkees.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Children of the Night

What music they make!  Actually it might just be a car radio, but it's kind of cool up here at night.  I really like this deck thing.  I mean you can see everything and no one can see you, especially if you lurk in the shadows.

I like to sit outside and protect "him."  "Her" too.   It's what I do.  I'm pretty good at it as well.  Besides the music, there is a bug up in that plant that I am keeping an eye on.  Some kind of moth.  You cannot be too careful.  This is the city, you know.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Its grrreat to be home but there's just one tiny LITTLE problem!!!

I'm only a baby puppy again!!  I'm so TIRED I'm just going to take a nap in this nice white blankie and worry about growing up later!!

Oh-oh! Stormy Weather

She's heading straight into it!!!

Hey!  I mean, what is it about Kansas?  Do I want to be in Kansas?  I mean, I've never been to Kansas and it is filled with really scary clouds and things.  And seemingly nothing else.

Time for a course correction.

I'm BACK, baby!

Its not the  3rd floor but maybe this nice lady will ride me back home and I will wake up on the deck with my "papa" I hope!!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

I'm on my way back home!! ("Kansas" here I come!)

Just a mere "click" of my red heel and BOOM  - I'm swirling and twirling 1,000 spins a second - gettin' dizzy........UH oh!  Gettin' woozy......

Thursday, August 7, 2014

I fit!!

OK - Kansas - here I come.  No more tripp!!

There was only one....

Uh, I know this looks a little weird but....

From the looks of things I'm STILL trippin' ......and I'm not in a very promising spot, as you can see.  ANY advice will be greatly appreciated, dear blogee.

P.S.   I don't know how to swim and the last of the lifeboats are gone.  Hmmmm....I don't think I"m in Kansas anymore...wish I had some ruby red slippers!!  Let me run down below deck and ransack some rooms.  Get back to ya later!!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Needless to say - this is her BFF!

Are we surprised???

I guess the nightmare thing isn't over yet!

Look who I found myself in bed with today! 

Was It All a Dream?

I don't know.  I hate when you read a story or something and then they wake up and it was all an illusion.  On the other hand, some of this trip is pretty scary and I wish it were all a nightmare and I would wake up all snuggled up with "Bigfoot" and "Him" asking me if I am OK.

Like in the picture above.  I used to be afraid of "Bigfoot," but now I count him among my best of friends.  You can look it up in the archives.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

You have the wrong guy, partner!!

His  name is "Toupee." Here is his twin brother, Javier.  They tell me they are stowaways, bound for who the hell knows where.  I don't care -

Stop the TRIP I want to get off....but I have the strangest feeling there are even MORE black and white photos in my future with me standing next to people I don't know and don't WANT to know!!


Wait a minute!  I'd recognize that wig anyplace.  It's Jean-Paul, isn't it?

I remember Jean-Paul.  I hate Jean-Paul.  Underneath that clever disguise there is:


But why is he masquerading as a dishwasher on a garbage scow?

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Say WHAT??

THIS is the "yawt" and I have to bunk with .....that???  Will, someone please tell me what it is? 

I'm not sure but I THINK I'm still TRIPPIN'! Who ARE these people?

The one with the sunglasses says I have to go back to the"yawt" with them.  Maybe I should "go" with them as they look like they could definitely afford some edamame and a LOT of it!  Looks like my naval adventures aren't over yet?  What was IN that shot?  I'll have to check it out when I come back to earth.  See ya later, folks - wish me luck on the "yawt."

What to Do?

Oh, oh!  Between a rock and a hard place.  I've seen that iceberg before.  Maybe the flying saucer.  I mean it is in technicolor.

Advice please, dear reader.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Hmmmm.....I've been called in on a special emergency case....rescuing a dog on a sinking ship!

But am I up to the job???

Its been a long time since I handled a touchy assignment.  It could go either way - I bring the kid up or we both wind up in briney deep.
Hmmmmm....first I have to find out if its REALITY or just the dude trippin' on some crazy jellyroll....if you know what I mean....and I think you do!

signed,    "Oshite" (feline son of Osho)

P.S Of course, even you knows what this means...who  I'm going to have to call in on the job - for the LAST time I swear - I doubt if even I will be able to control him again, recalling our last expeience together - "Terror in the Quaint Vermont B & B!" (!!!:)

............... The CLAWS of DOOM!!


What the hell was in that shot???!!!

I'm on this thing.  Get me off.


Cricklewood alert......bat signal!

Dear Juju, you must be psychic as all night long I dreamed that I was transported to a strange, spooky place. It was all hazy and like I was in the middle of a big cloud that was carrying me around.  We wound up in a house up a hilltop where I could look out and see the sky but it was all strange with weird things floating by.   A fish in a bowl winked at me  and an old lady was sitting on a banana reading a book then I saw this guy

But then these people burst into my room -they told me what was really going on!

Monday, July 28, 2014

This Was No Accident

29 July 2014

To Pip of Pip's Ear:

Watch out, kiddo, that "break-in" was no accident.  They want your blood.  It's all a nefarious plot.  Don't say I did not warn you.  The one who was holding you, the "vet,"wrote it all down in a secret code.  It's on the counter.  They plan to slip you a mickey and take you to another "vet.'  I found his picture on the Internet.  They talked about "Jewel", right?  Get it?  Or do I have to spell it out for you?

This is his office:

Keep your eyes peeled.  Keep your ears wide open.

Take good care of yourself.
Don't eat treats.  Oh no!
You'll get a pain and ruin your tum-tum.
Stay away from...

Sorry about that.  More later.

Your sister,


P.S.  You look nice in that snapshot.  Who is your groomer?

Someone broke into my house and grabbed me today. Not good!

Even though she tried to ply me with treats I refused to give her any of my blood. No way! What is she - a vampire?  In the middle of the day?  Out of her coffin?  Unheard of!

They say she is a "vet" but I "vet" she is just an ordinary blood sucker!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Enormous mystery box delivered!

First of all they got a BIG box from Amazon today.   I was watching when they unloaded it...blew my mind!  

First they pulled out a huge pallet of doggy "goofballs"  - enough to float a submarine to outer orbit!  Each pill the size of a football!

Then my non-bio "dad" whips out a certified strait jacket - for ME!!

Look this girl has one for her poor wretch of a doggy!

Horrors!Animal Abuse!

Osho was powerful today

Very powerful!!

He said that Pip has to focus on himself - even more than he already does.  That means some powerful focusing.  I hope I'm up to it.  The topic was Love and Relationships.  The advice he gave us was to:

 1.) Go off by ourselves to our private place and just think about ourselves for 10 minutes.  About what we want from life and stuff.  Then we are supposed to pick a partner and sit facing them for 10 minutes.  Then we should hold hands or in my case paws for 10 minutes and look into each other's eyes.  Then begin to sway our hands (paws) together and for the last 10 minutes stand up and sway together.
Hmmmm......sounds weird.  Well, I have to find a partner so what 4 legger do I know?  The spaniels, "Murphy and Killian", are in our old building.  The one that we hate.  Then there is "Reggie," my aunt Suzie's boy.   He is a pistol!  I've heard things that he does that are awe inspiring.  He even has a portrait over the fireplace.  Wow - the stuff legends are made of....

 Only thing is he's not here!  Aunt Susie is supposed to come over to visit me soon - I wonder if she will bring ole Reggie with her?

Hmmmm....Who else is there to practice with?    Well,  there are those two I have to meet to "socialize" me - Hmmmph!!  I'm plenty SOCIAL!!  Besides they are bigger than me and not very SOCIAL if you ask me!!  Still to do my "Osho" I have to find a partner......

I wonder if SHE is available for some holding and swaying??  She seems ok for a girl, I guess.  As long as she doesn't try any funny stuff....

You know what HE will, probably, be hanging around of course.  UGH!!  Of course, that's a pretty cool duck he's got in his choppers there.....hmmm....maybe we could trade ducks......

Well, worse comes to worse - there's always HER....I wonder what Mr. Osho would think about cross species swaying???

More cognitating!!  I wonder what will be on the docket tomorrow....

He's Back

That's right.  "Fat Sparrow" is back.  I'm telling you that you cannot rely on anyone these days when it comes to pest control.  A month of freedom and then this.  What to do?

Well, at least I had a nice walk with Q and Z.  Hey, these guys are slow walkers though.  When we walk, we walk.  I mean, we move.  Double time.  We do not let the grass grow under our feet.

The "Fat Man"

The "Fat Man"
We find him strangely intriguing but they won't let us at him. I think they just want to torment us. Life sucks. One of these days me and Bob are going to get him.

This is the sink we hid under last week.

This is the sink we hid under last week.
Me and old Bob came thisclose to being wiped out by a tornado headed STRAGHT to Lakeview! That was a close one!