Sunday, May 10, 2009

MY sister, "Tee Bird." isn't here right now.....

She is a very rare albino Yorkie and she is busy snorkling in the crystal blue waters of the Caribbean.

I told her how you harass me EVERY time I go past your creepy window and she says I should file a SPECIAL complaint with the condo association against you and they will kick all your butts right back to UPTOWN where you belong!!!

Also, she says when she gets back she is going to whup your whuppie so I'd hide under my bed for several weeks if I was you!

Olaf aka "Tobey"

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The "Fat Man"

The "Fat Man"
We find him strangely intriguing but they won't let us at him. I think they just want to torment us. Life sucks. One of these days me and Bob are going to get him.

This is the sink we hid under last week.

This is the sink we hid under last week.
Me and old Bob came thisclose to being wiped out by a tornado headed STRAGHT to Lakeview! That was a close one!