Saturday, October 31, 2009

Most Esteemed and Estimable Master Pip

We are in receipt of a writ from your attorney, Bear, from which we quote as follows:

"Members of the Association:

Please be aware that my client Master Pip of Pip's Ear blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, etcetera, et cetera, etc., and so on, blah, blah, blah, yadda, yadda yadda.

Also you are to cease and desist blah, blah, blah, GRRH, GRRRH, GRRRH, YOWLLL, AARGH, #@##$%&*!!!

Furthermore, blah, blah, blah, I ask you, etc., etc., etc., I put it to you, gentlemen, %$#&&^**###!!!!, HRMPH, GRACKLE, SNARK, BIFF, POW...

I call upon all the demons, blah, blah, blah, to witness, and so on and so on blast you all, etc. etc. ##$%^@@!!! the furies of Olympus, never mind the expense, &&*^%$$#%##@!!!!!!

And there are to be no more idiotic tests thank you very much.

I await the favor of a prompt reply.

Yours in amity,


To which I put my seal of notorious notoriety in perpetual perpetuity,

Old Rumpot of the Bailey"

Well, we had no idea, blah, blah, blah, etc., etc., etc. yadda, yadda, yadda.

Frankly, we were ready to dismiss this writ as the insane ramblings of an overwrought stuffed animal were it not for the high regard we hold for Old Rumpot and the fact that he is the adopted father and mentor of our own attorney, Young Ginblossom also of the Bailey.

Furthermore, Bear's arguments are further enhanced by his impressive size and the fervor of his delivery. Blah, blah, blah, OK, we're really sorry and we didn't mean to get everyone upset, yadda, yadda, yadda, lets forget the whole thing and be friends again.

You may, of course, resume the dispensing of advice, however dubious it may be.

Yours with kindest regards,

of the Association

In token of our further estimable esteem and gracious emollients, please accept by separate post a delivery of frozen white chocolate ice cubes each containing an individually steamed trio of edamame hand folded back into their original bean pods courtesy of Neat Treats, Inc., proud sponsors of the Association.

Young Ginblossom also of the Bailey

Friday, October 30, 2009

"Double, DOUBLE, toil and trouble...."

"Quizes, tests and INQUISITIONS...takes one on so many missions....BLINK and STINKY..dink and RINKY!!"

"No more challenge to my sayings, soak your head in BUZZARD shavings!!

Ever more your thoughts will rumble, ....down, down into the jungle!

Now BE GONE, on wings and brooms....leave me to my HAUNTED ruins!!

(hee hee..........spooky PIp has spoken....)


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happy Eve of Halloween!

OK, OK. Here are the answers, oh wise men of the association.

1. Froggie carried a sword and pistol by his side.

2. Apparently not, though, like me, he probably did not want to interfere with their perceived ambitions, however foolish they may appear in retrospect.

3. No. Maybe. Who knows? I refuse to answer on the grounds it may incriminate me. Whatever that means.

4. What's the question? I DEMAND TO CONFRONT MY ACCUSERS. There is no Question 4. What is the meaning of this dirty trick? This is a trick question. I AM WISE TO THIS GAME.

5. The flying moth brought the tablecloth. How could a bunch of bugs and vermin know what matched and what didn't?

6. The Juney Bug.

7. Umm? Uh?? The trail is cold. Duh??? There are things we can know and things we cannot know and there are things we don't know that we know or don't know that we cannot know. So there.

8. Yes.

9. This was one of our most spectacular exploits. I refuse to have it demeaned by a bunch of associates of some dumb association. Bear, my attorney, will be serving a writ upon you and your association as soon as he has finished eating his dumplings.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Test

The Association has decreed that you must pass three tests in order to lawfully dispense advice.

The first test is below.

1. When Froggie went a'courtin', did he carry weapons of any kind? If so, what were they?

2. When Uncle Rat gave his consent, was he aware of the potential impediments to a union of a frog and a mouse? Would you have given the same advice under the circumstances?

3. Was this the same Rat who used to visit your deck? If so, how did you induce him to leave? Did you offer him any illegal or unsolicited advice in the process?

5. Who was the first to arrive at the wedding feast and what was brought? Did it match the table setting?

6. Who brought the whiskey in a water jug?

7. Some people say the big black snake ate the wedding cake, while others attest he simply chased them to the lake. Discuss the merits of each thesis in ten words or less without giving any advice.

8. Is this the same "Froggie" whom you allege was kidnapped by aliens and held for ransom under Montrose Harbor until you and Bear ransomed him for a cauldron of wild mushroom soup and a keg of corn liquor?

9. We very much hope that if this is true you did not dispense any free advice in the process.

Mister Pip, Esquire. "By order of the Order of Universal

Order of Advisors - you are BUSTED!

As the result of a midnight meeting last night at the Excelsior Group, Ltd. the Board of the above indicated "OOUA" has found that you, Pip, Esq, PhD, MA, BS, are guilty of giving ADVICE without proper licensing!

As a result you are subject to a SEVERE fine (still to be negotiated) but its GOING to be VERY, VERY bad.

Also, you are forbidden to GIVE AWAY FREE advice EVER and ANY advice at ALL without a FRIGGING license!

Get it, fleabag?

Fee schedule is as follows:

1.) Life saving advice: $5.00

2.) Life altering advice: $3.00

3.) General advice not elsewhere classified: $1.25

SHAPE UP OR SHIP OUT, fuzzy butt!

Officer Krupke

Questions, questions, questions...

Answers, in no particular order.

To Baby Bibs:

Make pathetic mulling noises. Your mom will hear them and rescue you. She may not let you ride on her back, but you cannot have everything.

To Frannie and Joey:

You are in deep trouble. We have, however, identified you as common whooly worms, pictured at the right. We hope this is of some consolation.

Finally, to Billy, Hilly, and Dilly Duck:

Our agents have tracked down your mum. She is currently floating serenely in the Loire River in France. She is very big and not a little scary. We have arranged passage for you aboard the Normandie which leaves New York on Friday. It is a pretty swank ship from what we hear. Once you have landed at Le Havre, you will be met by a squadron of carrier pigeons who are in my employ. They will fly you to the mouth of the Loire, at which point you are on your own. Mum is waiting.

Master Pip aka Sir Pip aka Maestro Pippini Pippledipplipp

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Maestro Pippinsky, HELP!!

We are two poor caterpillars who are trapped on this lady's forehead. She super glued us on her face today and now we are trapped like rats.

What should we do, Herr Pippensky?? Its yucky up here and we are getting DIZZY.

We hope she doesn't decide to wash her hair or take a shower tonight - we don't know how to swim!!

Frannie and Joey

Sir Pip, some sage advice please, old chap!

As I was scaling me mum today I got stuck!! Now I'm afraid to go back down and yet can't quite hoist myself up and over!

As you can see she ain't helping the situation!

What should I do?

Waiting (impatiently) for your answer....HURRY UP!!!

Baby Bibbs

"Oh, mother, where art thou?"

Oh VAST and mighty emperor, Pope "Pip" I, are YOU are mommy?

We've LOST her and can't FIND her and 'not quite sure who or what she is as we arent' TYPICAL you can see....

Oh MOMMY - come find us!!!

HELP, your Pipness, should we place an ad in the "Lost and Found" or WHAT????


Dilly, Hilly and Billie Duck

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Dear Stanley,


And don't even think about grabbing the sponge!!!

Master Pip (not Peep)

P.S. If the ƒ-stop bone is connected to the shutter bone, what is the square root of 2 and why should I care?

Also, if the ƒ-stop setting was 2.8 and the shutter speed 2, why doesn't the product equal the number of salmon treats that fit in the lid of the salmon treat bottle?

Dear Professor Peep,

I'm currently taking a course in digital photography (!!) and I'm TOTALLY lost!

Can you help? I need to find a QUICK and DIRTY way to learn all about f stops, apertures, ampitude, focal length, depth of field, shutters, lenses, sensors, and exposures.

Help! I don't understand a thing and there is a QUIZ coming up!

Did I say HELP?????

As you may know, I'm a right brained personage and all this technical stuff is RUINING MY HALLOWEEN build up fun!!

Make it go away - far away!!

Stanley J. Gallbladder

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Have You Seen It?

Lately our dreams are haunted by this scary image. Have you also seen it? WTF???!!! I mean, I know Halloween is coming and all that, but, frankly, we find this image more than a little disturbing. What could it be and why is it invading sleepytime and naptime?

Facebook, Schmacebook...

Lets face it. You will not find a face like this in a book! I ask you. Is that beautiful or what?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Facebook, Facebook, Facebook...

that's all I hear about these days.

One of her "friends" invited her to join and after a while she did and now she is CRAZY over it.

Newsy links, new "friends" (and a few old ones) photos, videos, people leaving messages on the "wall" - she says its the best thing EVER on the internet.

When do I get a Facebook page, hmmmm?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

More Running

Frankly, I can't get enough of these videos. I mean, running is just so much fun. So when "he" says "Run for it, kiddo!", I run for it.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Another good Thing

Running! RUNNING!!! I love to run. Running is 100% good, even better than fetch, which involves running but is complicated by having to pick something up and bring it back to "him" or "her."

Tips for other kids out there. Always finish up by running in circles around them. It drives them nuts and you always get a big bang out of it. Don't really trip them though, because they get all bothered about it and they might fall on you, which could be very bad.

This video was taken in Horseshoe Bay Park, which is one of my favorite places in all the world.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Swing

Another thing I like. Like "like, like." VERY COOL!!!

Slides are nice too.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

"Things I love.....".

Give me time - I'm thinking................................

How about instead:

"Things I don't hate..."

Well, I don't hate riding in the car in my fleecy bed waking up eating french fries and barking at the toll booth ladies.
I definitely am sure I DON'T hate those things.

More things I don't HATE:

I'm pretty sure I don't hate biting "her" pink slippers and I use the term "pink" loosely as maybe they were "pink" a few years ago but now, well, mauve/grey would be more LIKE IT!
I really don't hate biting them when I can feel the CRUNCH of her boney toes inside and she squeals like she was having a knitting needle poked into her soft undercoat. Hah!!!

I'm almost positive that I don't HATE sitting in the window on my footstool scaring the sh*te out of the "neighbors" and, once more, I use the term very loosely. I especially didn't hate it the time that one of them nearly jumped out of her skin and tripped and fell! hahhahahhaha. Cool....
And when "Boop" the handiman walks by and pulverizes the impatiens with the water canon and I pound on the window with all my might and he glares in at me with HATRED and I glare BACK at him with even MORE heart pounding detestation and then he shakes his hairy FIST AT ME and I show him my FANGS and GROWL and try to RIP OUT HIS GIZZARD (!!!!!!) through the glass, of course.
Then he walks away cursing and I give him a few ear splitting SCREAMS!!!!! hahahhaha I win!!!! (until the next time.....)

Horseshoe Bay - Deep Thoughts

Here's another clip from my vacation. At first I thought BORING. I mean, I'm just looking at these stupid waves, one wave after another. BORING!

But then I'm thinking they're all not all the same and the immensity of everything and me being only little and a puppy and all that and maybe I shouldn't be worrying about how many states I have been to and how the other kids had more adventures because maybe just maybe I am here for some greater purpose and especially since they are dead I might be better off anyway and then those waves just keep coming and going SAMSARA isn't it just like the guy in the Himalyan store said and I don't know maybe just maybe I'm not so special like that Heraclitus guy who stuck his toe in the river and complained about it not being the same river which of course makes me even more special and I don't know HUH???

More Travel Tips from Master Pip

The first thing to do when you arrive is to make a circuit of the new place, always making certain that your stuff is strategically centered and in full view at all times. Also pointedly ignore all their chatter.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Travel Tips from Master Pip

We learn many things from travel. Sure, not as many as the other kids learned, but they went to many states and even foreign countries and I never seem to get to go there and if things don't change soon, well, there will be CONSEQUENCES.

But enough of recriminations, even though they are entirely JUSTIFIED!!!

First lesson. "They" are very concerned about bringing all their stuff, bags and bags of it, most of which they never use. You, as a puppy companion, must look out for yourself.

So, as the accompanying photograph illustrates, secrete your stuff amongst theirs, move it around a lot to confuse "them" and be certain to unpack it immediately before they can get to it to confuse you.

In the example pictured, it is the esteemed Spongebobby who is the subject of our ministrations.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


I'm back, baby! Renewed and ready to rumble.

This eraser has your name on it, sister.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Stop all this NONSENSE! Slapping???? Sleeping with fishes???? WHO started all this fighting?? I thought this was supposed to be a PLEASANT, SIMPLE FUN-LOVING blog and not a duel to the death!
One more peep out of ANY of you and its STRAIGHT to the principal's office AND it will go on your permanent record!

Now, shake hands and PLAY NICE or I'll come out of this machine and thwack you upside the head and shake you like a BOBBLE HEAD DOLL!!

Have I made myself CLEAR??

Sr. Mary Patricia McGillacuddy

Goshfather! Soon you will be sleepin' wit da fishes....

How dare youse talk to my buddy, "Zippy," dat way, you little flea flicker?

Why, Zippy, was and IS the salt o' the earth and beyond.

I'd watch my back if I was youse....

Friday, October 2, 2009

Dear Zippy

or whatever your name is. Zip it. I mean, are you a MAN??? I mean, you are crying like a little girl. ZIP IT!!! Spend some time with your family.

Don't make me come down there and slap you around.


Next question.

Master Pip

Dear Zenmaster "pipi".

Is life worth living? Sometimes I wonder. I know I'm not the handsomest guy in the world and my zipper is slipping down but I just don't care any more.

Stare into my small crystal ball, zenPipmaster, and tell me that its all worth while. Especially since my dwelling place lost the BIG one today.....

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Dear Rubio,

You are in great and immediate danger. You are being stalked by a cat. Whilst we have no especial grievances with cats in general, they are not very nice to birds. Take flight RIGHT NOW and roost in a very high tree or on some sort of perch well out of reach of your enemy. Under no circumstances should you open the window.

In short, Rubio, you are not paranoid. When you are safely out of reach, you may consider meditation and the eating of cuttlebones as suitable pastimes.

Remain watchful at all times. And good luck as well.

Master Pip

P.S. I myself have spent a rather restless night, having sighted the dreaded PINK SLIPPERS again, of which more will follow.

My dear Phineas,

We were quite disturbed to note the evident misunderstanding that has occurred in relation to our earlier post about the wearing of fur by those who do not grow fur. We had no intention of arousing your all too understandable ire.

We ourselves grow our own fur, and exceptionally fine fur it is, I might add. In addition, my most trusted advisor, Bear, is a bear, although admittedly merely a stuffed bear, not the magnificent wild specimen that you are. Many of my most treasured animal friends are also bears.

Please accept our most humble apologies for this tragic confusion, unless, of course, you have been put up to this by one of our arch-enemies, a certain SP who shares your city address, in which case, sir, you have been sadly misled.

Master Pip

Dear Master "Pip,"

Am I right or am I wrong but I have a SNEAKY sensation that I'm being watched....

You might think that I'm paranoid, oh "Pip", but I can't shake the feeling....

What should I do?

a.) Take up zen meditation?
b.) Watch TV?
c.) Eat some cuddle bone?
d.) Take up crocheting?
3.) Write my memoirs?


Signed, "Rubio Persky"

"Are you saying my coat is "out?"

Those are fightin' words, little button nose squirt.

What is your address, hmmmm, oh pale hide bag o' tickly feathers??

Yours truly,

Phineous T. Bear, III
Wasilla, Alaska

Fashionista advice....ditch that bear coat!

What makes you look old? Evening wear

(Sun Sentinel/Rich Mahan / August 6, 2007)
Avoid: Overbling; exposing too much skin; showing excessive cleavage; bearlike mink coats; outdated jewelry; oversized earrings; tightly wound hair; sparkly makeup; fragrance overload.
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The "Fat Man"

The "Fat Man"
We find him strangely intriguing but they won't let us at him. I think they just want to torment us. Life sucks. One of these days me and Bob are going to get him.

This is the sink we hid under last week.

This is the sink we hid under last week.
Me and old Bob came thisclose to being wiped out by a tornado headed STRAGHT to Lakeview! That was a close one!