Friday, December 31, 2010


Snailandia is FORECLOSED?   Its a SHORT SALE, fer Chrissake!!  Unbelievable!
They say I didn't "cough up" enough $$$$$$ on the downstroke!
Hey,  five dollars and a milkbone were all I had in my European Carryall.  And the "bone" was just a freebie I picked up at the groomer and had no intention of eating.  So there!

I wuz ROBBED~  Back to the old drawing board but keep tuned, ole bloggie pal o'mine.  Somethings coming something good......

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I guess we have to up the ante for you recalcitrant travelers.  Ok OK.  We "got" the message loud and clear.  

We have "upped" the prize list to include the above WINNER!  For the uniformed bloggee - its a hair protector for when you are GORGING on your beloved MISO soup.  When you feel the urge to SLURP - just don the handy SPLASH GUARD and chow down!

Available to only the first 20 customers so TIMES AWASTIN'!!  Get on board the luxe, deluxe sloop which will wing you on your way to the Isle of Unrealized Dreams - SNAILANDIA.

 Ain't she a beaut?????
Now is the time to SIGN UP.  Don't be left behind - don't you want to realize those UNREALIZED dreams???

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Now, for the truly DISCRIMINATING lucky visitor....

Hurry up, you LAZY bloggee - sign UP for the GRAND TOUR!  Time is awastin'!!

No more pretty colors for YOU!  Sign on the dotted line and cough up the PASSAGE MONEY ($$) and you will soon be skimming along the waves to the destination that MOST PEOPLE can only DREAM about.   See below if you think we're exaggerating...(you low down reprobate bloggee...)

 See, I told you - its MORE  than I told you - much more! 

I can see you hanging out with your homey's and such, watching the BOOB TUBE (if you must....) playing a quickee game of pick up sticks or just settin' around scratching your head and eating an orange!
 That LIFESTYLE can by YOURS - just pluck down that $500.00 boat trip/sneak preview moolah and climb ABOARD the  "SNAILANDIA  SLOOP." (picture to follow...)

Guess what!! We have a special GIFT for the 1st three visitors!

Just fill out the questionnaire below and these Smashing BOOT PUMPS, hot off the Paris runway, will be delivered to your home or castle or hut within the next 24 hours.

                                                       SHOE QUESTIONNAIRE 

                                                            Circle your  response

     Do you or do you NOT have feet?               yes           no           

    If you DO - how thick are they?                 1/16th"            

    Length of toes?                                                1"                          

     Color of nails?                                                RED                 

     Achilles heel?                                                 What?                  

Here are your tickets, ole bloggee o'mine.

The boat will be by to pick you up at the appointed hour.  Be prepared for a wild trip (!)

Now I want to prepare you that things aren't exactly, well, DONE or ever NEAR DONE or, frankly, even STARTED to be DONE but if you have a vivid imagination (and I think you do....) all will be clear soon. 

So if you want to IMAGINE a vision of the FUTURE - maybe YOUR LUCKY FUTURE - life without end (slight hyperbole there) every day a voyage into the kind of happiness you only DREAMED of!

Popularity, surrounded by beautiful "people" (or whatever), magnifico homes, designer "clothes", food and drink to DYE for (!!) rapturous surroundings where you can commune with nature as it was INTENDED to be - raw, wild, untamed, a little TERRIFYING but that's part of the fun, isn't it???  After all its not KIDDYLAND, after all.

Hobnob with high society.  Cocktails on the veranda, Fred Astaire type "people" darting and dashing across the dance floor to the slippery, silvery tones of Maestro Jimmy Tigehoohoo and his band of renown.  Then adjourn to the cavernous Paridiso Room for a scrumptious meal of your choice prepared by chefs known only on Reality TV and BEYOND!

After you complete your FIVE STAR elegante supper,  strip down to your "skivvies" (if you're wearing any HAHHAHAHA) and take a dive into our super deep (59') pool for a dousing frolic with your gorgeous new "friends" hahhahhahha.  SPLASH with precious stone studded beach toys, laugh HILARIOUSLY with your fun-loving "pals" as you dunk and dip one another, ride on each others backs (!) while you howl at the moon, and, later, just lay on your back as you gasp for air barely able to do so as you think about the FUN you are having and will CONTINUE to have as long as you are a resident of the most UNIQUE and EXCLUSIVE new retirement community, the breath taking (!) and very EXPENSIVE, "SNAILANDIA" the home of your wildest dreams - and then some!

So pack your metal suitcases and trunks for a STUPENDOUS and did I say FREE overnight stay where we will all sit around the old campfire, and HYPOTHESIZE about YOUR future!!

SENOR PIP, master of ceremonies and BOB VIVANT 

Friday, December 10, 2010

Now, now.....calm down...I know the suspense is building but

arrangements are being made, plans completed, people being lined up. Do you think its easy to pull something like this off?  Well, its NOT!  I've been up half the night and then some putting the finishing touches on the project and I've worked my paws and fingerlets to the bone (and to a NUBBIN!) for you and THIS is the thanks I get?  Well, to hell with you!!

...........jus' kiddin' honey - you KNOW I (are you ready??) *****HEART***** you to the extreme amount to the size of a DIAMOND AS BIG AS THE RITZ, etc.  You KNOW its true!!
Anyhoo, stay tuned, darling Pip's Ear devotee - the waiting won't be much longer and soon ALL will be clear and wonderfully TRANSPARENT (the word of the week, politically speaking) - and you will be gratified and thrilled to see the projecto when its ready for final viewing. 

HEY!!!!! I just had a thot  (!) how's about I give you a special sneak preview?? Would you like that special little bloggee?  Well, alrightee!!  I'm going to stay up ALL NIGHT and polish off the scale model - work my fingerlets til they are BLOODY - all for YOU!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


BACK by popular demand - the invitation you have been hoping for - SNEAK PREVIEW for selected Pip's Ear most discriminating readers.  DETAILS TO FOLLOW. (You WON'T be disappointed - we promise you on Pip's LONG flowing eartrails.  HONEST!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Reckoning

OK, OK, we're sorry about the flower pots. Ditto the damage to miscellaneous pieces of patio furniture. The broken windows were not our fault. Ditto the ripped up ground cover. Thank goodness none of this stuff belonged to "him" or "her", as there would undoubtedly be hell to pay.

We are also really, really sorry about frightening the children, but this is not entirely our fault either as they were out well past the appointed hour for trick or treats to end and anyway the little brats stole all the candy and stuff "they" left out before they went out to eat tapas and get sloshed and left me alone so what was I supposed to do and I am only a puppy and my accomplices are just stuffed animals so how can they be held responsible anyway I ask you and as for the poodles, bichons, and dachshunds that got out and ran amok they have no sense of humor or responsibility and they deserve the chastisements they undoubtedly received when they got home.

The kids really panicked when they saw the enchanted stuffed birds flying around. Bear would like to personally apologize for his lapse of judgment in this matter. In his defense, he did not think the spells would work quite as well as they did. He is only a novice in this craft and he was forced to perform with minimal preparation. The Owl, in particular, was way out of line, and the kid who was so frightened he wedged his head between the pickets of the wrought iron fencing was very unlucky indeed.

Bigfoot also regrets animating the frogs who flooded some of the common area so that Big Frog could lay "eggs". This was a most regrettable event, but we are certain the water will be absorbed by morning due to the near drought conditions we have experienced this autumn.

I must say that I regret placing so much faith in the abilities of Drs. M&M and Monkey T. Frog. Once more they have failed me. They were able to deploy the enchanted stuffed ducks well enough for us to track down THE BOGGLER, but he proved a wily competitor, surprisingly agile for a multi-colored stuffed duck, and managed to slip away when Dr. Frog was distracted by the aforementioned flooding of the common areas. We did, however, briefly capture the infamous DUCK, another bane of my existence, whom we now think is the brains behind the whole ducky ziggurat plot thing.

We might have loosened his tongue were it not for the unfortunate actions of Dr. M&M, who stupidly and thoughtlessly pushed the little button on DUCK's wing that says press here and set off the most horrid torrent of dancing, quacking insanity (there must be a short-circuit in this quackos memory bank). This set off all the stuffed ducks even the broken ones in the Well of Toys. Their demonic quacking still sounds in my truly magnificent ears which should not ever be subject to such mindless noise. We were all pretty scared, especially when the police arrived and started arresting the trick-or-treaters and all the ducks flew off and landed on the pond the frogs had made and got into a big turf war.

Sorry, kids, but this will be a Halloween you'll remember for the rest of your lives. As for all the candy treats, we ate all the peanut butter and left the chocolate and nuts for the squirrels. Too bad, but that stuff is not good for you anyway.

We were just able to get back home in time for "their" arrival. The place was a mess, but I put on my best act of staggering downstairs from the bedroom all bleary-eyed and putting on quite a show of greetings and tail-wagging and slobberings and what-not.

Oh, and the tree. Hey, nobody knows what happened there. Whatever.

"Were you a good little boy?"

"I wonder what he was up to?"

You don't want to know.

It's Halloween

And guess who is back. That's right, it's the BOGGLER, the bane of my existence. And who is that with him. Hah, you don't recognize him, or do you, faithful reader? How could you not recognize the slimy eminence of none other than the arch-fiend Mayor Spinalzo, whom we last saw crawling over the patio bench in flight from the law after the collapse of the Snail Heights bubble.

Now what could be brewing, and why is he in conference with the BOGGLER?? Isn't it obvious??? Well???? OK, who the hell knows, eh????? But it is All Hallows Eve tonight, and there shall be a reckoning.

At least I think there will be a reckoning if I can round up the whole gang on short notice.

Monday, October 4, 2010

My Own Ziggurat

That's right, Boggler, the Cold War is over. Yes!!! See for yourself. Thanks to the cooperation of Bigfoot, I have built my own ZIGGURAT.

And you know what - I SEE YOU WORMING YOUR WAY INTO THE PICTURE, trying to look like you are sleeping in his armpit - you know what? You'll never figure out its meaning. Not until you are blue in the face.

You know why? It has no meaning. That's right, NO MEANING, as in MEANINGLESS. It is the product of the random meanderings of the mind of a 3 year old puppy. That's me. Crazy, right. Yep, crazy. Crazy like a fox, or a Maltillon, BOGGLER.

BOGGLED, right? I thought so!!!! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Toy Circle?

That's what Bear and Bigfoot think. See for yourself. And tremble, Dear Reader, as I did when I woke up, shook myself, and looked out onto my supposedly private, secure deck to be greeted by this ghastly apparition.

And who is it lurking just on the edge of the picture, admiring his handiwork? That's right, the accursed BOGGLER!!!!

And again using my toys. And again with the frogs and ducks. What can it all mean????

Curiously enough, both Bigfoot and Bear have noticed a pattern. The inner rows of the cross read Frog-Rabbit-Frog-Rabbit-Frog no matter what direction they are read. The two spokes of the wheel read Frog-Duck-Frog-Duck-Frog, although only one complete spoke of the wheel is completed.

Bigfoot believes THE BOGGLER was interrupted, probably by my appearance, before he could complete the design. Bear, on the other hand, suggests that he ran out of ducks and was too lazy to go down into the Well of Toys to retrieve any more.

They are having a big debate about this now, but my own concerns go deeper. How is this demon able to enchant my toys?? MY TOYS, damn it!!! And what does he want, or does he just want to mess with my mind?

I am at my wit's end.

Monday, August 16, 2010


That's right! Oh-oh!! But maybe it is Oh-oh for you, BOGGLER, because it is you who have slipped up. That's right, BOGGLER, you!!! I have found you out just when you thought you had me, THE INDOMITABLE PIP, fooled. Hah, hah!!!!! Who is fooled now?

To make matters short, lo and behold I wandered upstairs after a breakfast snack, une petite dejeunier, as it were, and I found another Ziggurat, this one topped off by the Uh-oh Ghost Toy pictured above. But in the wider-angle photo, what do you notice, Dear Reader, or does it momentarily escape even your eagle eye. Yes, who is that menacing specter lurking in the bookcase, that demented duck-like thing (again the duck motif), multicolored and full of bile if not THE BOGGLER, shown below in close up along with Yours Truly snapped in the act of discovery by "him."

The game's afoot, Watson!!!!!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Another Apparition

I am beside myself, dear reader. Another apparition. This time it again involves that weird white goofy looking thing, blindfolded with a frog on its head. What can it mean? I mean it is mind-boggling, which can only mean that this too is the work of THE BOGGLER!!!

Bear believes there is a message encoded in the objects the fiend chooses. They seem random to me, but then who knows what the message could be. Bear says they are the spirits of little animals demanding compensation because I have eaten them, but this is just baloney. I have eaten cows and fish and chickens, yeah, who hasn't? I mean I am an omnivore, but I have never killed anything except maybe bugs, but I don't see any bugs represented and so far there are no cows or chickens or fish, just sheep and lambs and piggies and frogs, and I swear I would never even bite one of them.

Bigfoot, on the other hand, opines that the objects are totemic in nature, that they represent spirits I should either emulate or learn from or communicate with or whatever. I admit it, my mind is boggled, that's the truth. You win, BOGGLER, you win.

I could ask "him" or "her" for advice, but that would admit defeat, wouldn't it? I will not. I will not admit I cannot solve the problem. You will not stump me, BOGGLER!!! Nobody can stump the PIP, nobody!!!!!!! Hah, hah, hah, hah, hah! Blah, blah, blah. Yadda, yadda, yadda. NOBODY.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Ziggurat

This is it, dear reader, this is the Ziggurat. This is the infernal construct, or one of them, that is freaking me out. What does it mean? Who is THE BOGGLER?? What does he want??? Why is he picking on me, an innocent puppy who never hurt anyone in his whole life and who just wants to take a nap in peace and play fetch???? What has he got against my toys and pillows?????

Here is another snapshot with me in it, taken by "him" or "her". It gives you an impression of the scale of the thing. Bear thinks the placement and selection of the objects, especially the toys are some sort of code or contain clues to the demon's intentions or message.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Haunted Duck

Loyal readers, I know you have missed my daily blog posts, but you must be aware that I am in the midst of unraveling a great mystery, a mystery so profound, perpetrated by a villain so dark, that, well, it simply boggles the mind. Yes, that's right this arch villain is none other than THE BOGGLER.

Several weeks ago I was awakened from a midday slumber by the incessant cackling and quacking of one of my many duck toys. This sad creature is pictured above resting in a bowl of fruit, but do not be deceived, dear reader, this duck was once possessed by the most diabolical and fiendish spirit known to mankind, that's right, THE BOGGLER.

After some investigation, "she" was able to locate the source of the manic quacking. He was hiding in the Chinese Chest where "he" keeps his cookbooks. I was able to seize the demented wretch and give him several death shakes, but all to no avail. He kept up the damned quacking.

"She" took him away, though not before I was able to rip the stuffing out of one of his vile orange feet. (Subsequent laboratory analysis by Dr. Monkey T. Frog and Dr. M&M provided no clues, though it must be conceded that these nitwits never provide any useful information and are perpetually stumped). However, he kept up his cackling even when locked back in the Chinese Chest and later placed on the highest shelf of the Red Cupboard. The manic, haunted episodes went on for days before we found the poor creature lying exhausted in a bowl of fruit.

"He" dismisses the whole episode as some sort of malfunction of the things battery. What a load of BS! Ducks don't have batteries. And anyway, how do you account for the mysterious appearance of the Ziggurats. about which more will be revealed in subsequent postings? That's right, I'm not joking here, somebody is seriously messing with my mind. When I wake up I find these bizarre structures built up of pillows and hassocks and toys. I'll take a picture next time and show you. This is driving me nuts. This diabolical, arch-fiend THE BOOGGLER is behind it all.

I gathered together the four sponges and all my frogs for a council. We agree that we must break out into the real world again and hunt him down. But then my adventures in the real world, which have been chronicled in earlier postings, have been a little scary and not very successful. What to do? WHAT TO DO?

I live now in mortal terror. I can't even take a nap without one of these Ziggurats appearing. As soon as I demolish one, another springs up. And that damned, infernal quacking. I cannot get it out of my mind.


Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Nest

Just my luck. I go away for a week or so on "vacation" and these little birdies who have been under my protection for longer than I can remember hatch out and move away.

Drats! I began watching this bird house two years ago. No action. No tenants. No nothing. Then I see and hear these little noisy chirpers flying all around the deck at all hours and what do I know, I just thought they were excited about eating bugs or something or whatever it is they do for fun. So I go away for a week and the night I come back there are a bunch of them hanging out tweeting and twittering and bouncing around and I think what the hell is going on I'm trying to take a nap and then, lo and behold, gone without a trace.

Am I unlucky or what? Poor me. Where are my little feathered friends? Come back, little birdies. I will look out for you. I promise.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Barking Rules

After a certain amount of controversy regarding my barking or lack thereof, I am forced to take pen to paper or paws to keyboard in the hopes of offering some explication. Really I shouldn't have to do this, but some folks just don't appreciate the subtlety of these rules, which, I might point out, are both universal for my kind and self-imposed.

1. Guests and intruders. Really vice-versa, as guests are just a subset of intruders. Upon entry, barking is generally required. This may cease once the intruder has been successfully identified as welcome, provided the stranger remains quiet and does not attempt to leave or to use the facilities. The number of guests will generally determine one's reaction. The greater their numbers, the more the odds shift in their favor, which mandates in most cases a shift to a quieter approach and also enhances the chances of obtaining cheese.

With respect to actual unwelcome intruders, like home invaders and repairmen, care must be taken to assess the degree of hostility that is present. Remember, I am the Sentinel. If the Sentinel perishes, who will give the warning?

2. Dogs. Dogs are always unwelcome. They may be noticed when they bark or whine, but should be ignored completely as if they did not exist unless seen. When seen, and only when seen, they must be barked at until they disappear from sight. This applies even when they are not really there, but are only seen on television or as abstract representations of dog-like entities. If it looks like a dog and moves, barking is the required response.

3. Horses. I have never seen a real horse. However, from the images I have seen on television, they are very bad things and must be barked at always, even when they are standing still.

4. Other animals. These must be treated on a case by case basis, but generally I have nothing against them, even screeching birds, so they may safely be ignored or left alone or even welcomed like that cute little squirrel who lives in the garden across the way or the little wren that sometimes perches on the fence or the window ledge. These lovely creatures enjoy my benediction and protection.

5. Flying insects indoors. These must be barked at all the time when seen or when they buzz around. If they land they may be and should be swatted. I really hate flies. I mean they "bug" me. Ha, ha, ha. Outdoors, they should be tolerated or ignored unless they get too close, in which case they should be swatted.

6. Other people. People walking by are treated on a case by case basis. If I do not like the cut of their jib, they get barked at. Or if they are bouncing balls or wake you up. Ditto. Otherwise, they should be observed but left alone. Outside, like on a walk, they are best ignored unless they approach in a friendly manner, in which case I like to bark at them just to keep them on their toes.

Well, this has been a pretty exhausting exercise. I shall discuss play barks, demanding barks, and other special barks on another occasion. Now it is NAP TIME!!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Under Siege

How would you like to saunter over to your favorite narrow little window and see this monster staring you in the face. Not a very pleasant thought. But an almost daily occurrence this summer. That's right. They're back. The spiders, I mean.

Fortunately, one blow from the flying furry fist of fury was enough to the stun the beast. A second pop would have been the haymaker, but "he" intervened, telling me that the beast had a right to live, blah, blah, blah, and swept it out into the garden.

OK, OK, theoretically he is right, but I shall not miss a second chance. These things are scary.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Ho Hum

Boring, boring, boring. I got to go along on their famous vacation week in Door County. Vacation? I mean they don't work, do they? So what do they need a vacation from. Anyway, I was not impressed.

One good thing, and a precedent for trips to come, I pitched such a freakin' bitch when they tried to leave me parked in the shade while they went on one of their "runs" that they had to take me along. And that was good. There is nothing so satisfying as ripping off at a breakneck pace on my 26 foot leash and watching them huffing and puffing to keep up.

But other than that, they just soaked up the scenery. I got two new water dishes. Yippity do! And also a squeaky frog that lays eggs that I have not yet been able to track down in the house. Hmm. This latter has possibilities.

Back home yesterday. I can see that in my absence the spaniels and the poodles and all the other mutts and the stinky little dachshunds too have taken to parading about the complex with no regard for other's naps and territory. I shall soon put the kibosh on these monstrous affronts to my dignity.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

This is Not Spongebobby

OK. I know the old sponge when I see him and this is not him. And neither is old Red Bob, my second favorite toy, himself. No, dear reader, these are impostors. These, dare I say it, are PODS!!!

Or they have been washed and scrubbed, which is next to the same thing.

They have been counted though in the census. So have Bubbabob and Blue Bob, who, oddly enough, seem just like their old selves. They told me, however, that I was right and that S. and R. are different. Not the same.

What to do?

"He" told me to sleep on it and that after a few games of fetch, God's own game, they will be just as stinky and moldy as they ever were. We'll see.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

More Census Confusion

I have many bear friends. I have issued a call for all of them to report and be counted. So far none of them have showed up. Instead these guys turned up outside my window this morning. Needless to say, I beat feet out of there fast. But a word to my so-called bear friends. This sort of frivolity will not be tolerated during the census. You have been warned.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

An Enigma Wrapped in a Mystery

That's me alright. What am I thinking when "she" is home alone with me singing those weird songs about me? Here's what I look like:

But lets just say that's for me to know and "her" and anybody else to find out. Is there more to me than meets the eye? I don't know and what's more I'm not saying.

Still the sentiments expressed in the songs are very welcome and much appreciated.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Census Woes

Dearest Reader, forgive the extended absence of this blogger from his blog, but, alas, I have been overwrought. You may recall that several weeks or months ago I ordered a complete census of all my toys, calling upon them to gather themselves in groups at a number of sites, baskets, toy boxes, and wells. (Yes, there appear to be no fewer than three wells of toys).

How have things been going? Don't ask. A more cantankerous and undisciplined bunch of fools you will never encounter. Can't anybody here speak Dog? Or English? When I say gather yourselves in groups like all the frogs in one place, all the sponges in another, can't anybody tell what group they belong to? I mean, the sponges came close to some semblance of order, as shown above, but you will notice one is missing - Spongebobby - so we shall have to do the count all over again for the fortieth time.

As for the rest, you can see for yourself. Pigs, frogs, seals, birds, moose, mammoths, all mixed up. I have lost count, even with Bear's assistance, on at least one hundred attempts. Should I ask "him" for help? NEVER! NEVER EVER!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

This is known as a version of the "helicopter" ear look.

Keep in touch and, hopefully, I will be able to APPLY myself and REALLY concentrate into a FULL helicopter - but it AIN'T easy!
Stay tuned.  I'm going into the meditation room now and 'won't be out for several hours.....
Wish me luck!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Natural Nose

Many thanks to that weird black cat who sponsored the stove polish commercial, but we prefer the more natural solution.

SUN, SUN, SUN! Here comes the sun, and as you may observe from the photograph, we were waiting for it. A few more sessions collecting these revivifying rays and we will be good to go, anywhere, anytime, without embarrassment.

Have I told you, dear readers, of the remarkable qualities of the canine nose. I think I have noted in the sidebar that my own humble schnozz can freeze yogurt. It's true. There are numerous testimonials to that effect. I'm not kidding.

Monday, March 15, 2010

RX: Nose leather color restorer!

Does YOUR nose change colors during the cold, sunless winter months?  Does it go from velvet black to pasty grey with a tiny bit of pink?

Are YOU embarrassed to go outside and show yourself around the park, building concourse, elevator or underground parking garage?

Do you have to flee from the piparzazzi because you can't bear to have your photo taken - even at Xmas time sitting on Santa's lap?

Do you avoid walking past mirrors, plate glass windows and the like?

Well, if any of these conditions plague your probiscus try Black Cat Enamel Stove Polish!
I know it sounds CRAZY but just try it.  One application with a cotton dabber at bedtime and another one in the morning.  In just ONE WEEK you will notice an improvement in the color AND texture.  You will soon go from a dry, cracked pale beakie to a lustrous, soft and shiny ebony honker that you will be PROUD to show off all over the park and the better haunts of the city and countryside.

Try it!  Money back guarantee if you aren't pleased with the results!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

In the Green Zone

"He" made an interesting observation for a change the other day. "He" noted that I seem to like the color green, that I instinctively seek out the color green, that I have an inordinate number of green toys, etc. After an exhaustive inventory of my toy stocks, as well as a preliminary search of the Well of Toys, I have concluded that "he" is right.

And really, what's not to like about green? Green is good. I am good. It is a natural match. I've done the research, too. Green is a calming color, green is the color of nature and all that. Perhaps I am unconsciously seeking an inner calm.

Don't get me going about green. It is the color of my beloved frogs, the source of one of my more memorable adventures. It is the color of Spongebobby and Bubba Bob and Green Thing. And the green silk comforter.

Wow! Green power. I think we are on to something here. Pictured above is a photo of yours truly surrounded by green toys. Wow! Green is the way to go.

Friday, February 26, 2010


OK. Who knew? They say he is a brother or half-brother. Maybe. I don't know. There are a lot of things I don't know. One thing I do know is that cute counts. Cute is where it is at. Cute matters. You can never be too cute.

I have been asked to pass on some advice to this putative "brother." First off, be cute, practice cuteness every day.

Second, listen to everything they say and watch everything they do. You will learn a lot. Remember, knowledge is power. They also think listening to them and spying on them is cute. So how can you lose?

Third, play "fetch" for a minimum of two hours every day. "Fetch" is the game of the gods. It is the great game. You can never play too much "fetch." Jump and run as much as you can. Make them throw your toy until their arms fall off.

Finally, practice the rodent run. There is no more enthralling trait of puppyhood than the rodent run. This is accomplished by running as fast as you can in no particular direction keeping your head and body as low to the ground as possible, finishing with a great flourish of circular running, leaping all out onto a bed or couch or chair, winding up by rolling over and having your tummy rubbed. This, if executed properly, will completely exhaust all your remaining energy. You will need to nap for at least two and preferably four hours before resuming play.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

"Good Ol' Pip"

Some of my readers have been alarmed at my celebration of "Bad Pip." Hey, lighten up, it's only a joke. Heh, heh, heh.

But there is something to it. Sometimes I just have the feeling that "Good Ol' Pip" is whispering in my ear telling me it's alright, and another voice is whispering in my ear ("Bad Pip") telling me it's all wrong. Or is it the other way around? See, that's the problem too. Is it on the wagon or off the wagon? I don't know.

I don't know. In fact, I could write a book about I don't know, but that's a whole other story. But I'm back on track now, fans. I'm bein' who I ought to be, seein' who I ought to see, barkin' when I ought to bark, and all that stuff about peein' and poopin' too, which was all a vicious and slanderous lie in the first place.

Monday, February 1, 2010

"Bad Pip"

I've been goin' where I shouldn't go,
Bein' who I shouldn't be,
Eatin' what I shouldn't eat,
Peein' where I shouldn't pee,
Poopin' where I shouldn't poop.

Been chewin' what I shouldn't chew.
Been barkin' when I shouldn't bark,
Sleepin' when I should be up,
Howlin' when I should be quiet.

I'm "Bad Pip," ladies and gentlemen, and I am insufferably cute. I'm here to entertain you, so sit back and relax and enjoy the show.

Blah, blah, blah, BLAH! Yadda, yadda, yadda, YADDA!


hah, hah, hah, hah, HAH, HAH, HAH HAH. BAAAAAD.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Ok, all you cats and kittens! C'mon down to:

the swingin' hot spot for jukin' and jivin' and dancin' the night away!
Meet Miss Jilly herself, fresh off the "circuit" from Mt Vernon, Illinois for your entertaining pleasure.  She'll croon, she'll swoon she'll steal your heart long as she's not past her naptime, that is!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Hey - whose THIS?????????

I heard, via the internet grapevine, that there's a NEW little dude in town and I can't say I approve....
Yes, he's CUTE and has a baby panda like face which might possibly be construed as somewhat ADORABLE and his fur looks rather especially FLUFFY and SOFT  and those helicopter ears are amazingly LARGE and POINTY with some remarkably nice feathering......BUT he's just too too much like me!!!
Plus he's way little and tiny and well, its just not right that there should be another one of ME around in the same town!!!

I'm going to HAVE to move!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

My Nemesis

OK, so I am obsessed with this thing, this green throw schmata thing that gets me all tangled up in its fringes. It is EVIL! But it is also very soft and warm and quite a secure place to bury treasures like Spongebobby and the interconnected florescent green ball things that are really cool.

One day they left it on my hassock so I would be warm, but - wouldn't you know? - I got all tangled up in it while I was defending the place against home invaders. I was rolled up in the damned thing like a death shroud when "he" came home and rescued me.

I HATE to be rescued. It is so demeaning. But then again, this is my NEMESIS. It calls to me like a siren at sea. I cannot resist its call. I shall be avenged. But meanwhile, it is soft and cuddly. What am I to do, dear Blogee?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Dear Little Pip of Pip's Ear

Imagine that, Little Pip, your sister Jujube and I were browsing in the News Agent's Shop in Cricklewood when, lo and behold, we happened upon a copy of Riches. Who knew? I mean, we were floored.

Lets get together, sweetheart. AND SOON!!! I'm sure that underneath that gruff exterior there is a sensitive soul with a fun-loving nature and lots of money. Lets have a party. AND SOON!!!!!!

P.S. I have sent you a package of pickled sweetbreads as well as a special kibble made from loopy beans grown in a secluded valley in the Himalayas. These beans are known to have special hallucinogenic properties. Lets tie one on!

Little Lulu
The Houndry
Big Brittlesborough House
In the Nettlesworth Forest

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I dreamed I went to heaven in my "Puppia" harness....

Hmmph!  Not REALLY!  "They" are mad at Puppia cuz my harness broke.  Just think - I might have been running along the exercise path in Lincoln Park and BOOM!! off into the darkness!
Yikes!  I'm glad it was just a dream and I was really only lying in my bed on Lake Shore Drive on my foamy mattresss with extra cushioning!
Whew!  That was a close call!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Lost in the Snow

No, I personally have not been lost in the snow, although I have been walking in the snow and the ice and the cold lately and despite it being initially new and fun, it is cold and your feet freeze up and it is pretty yucky. And I will not wear those stupid "booties" on my feet which are really just balloons.

The title of this post refers instead to a nifty little story that "he" finally read to me. It is all about a little puppy who goes out in the snow and gets lost and has to seek the advice of owls and is persecuted by nasty little foxes but finally gets rescued by his mom. A touching story. It reminds me of a similar experience I had when I was very little and I was abandoned in a field in Indiana, alone on the cold, snowy ground, but kindly rescued by "them."

But enough of these maudlin anecdotes. She filmed the whole thing. I must apologize for my behavior during the reading. I was distracted by the little toy dog bookmark which "he" would not even let me sniff because I could choke to death on it like Okra did or something like that. What a load of baloney. I want that bookmark, and I will have it.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Problems, problems, problems, holiday problems. What can I say? So, fans, please excuse the long delay. And thanks for all the recipes, especially the last one. Yeah, thanks a bunch (NOT!!!). We got in a lot of trouble with Santa for that one and we nearly burned the deck as well. Stir constantly for 48 hours??? AND HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THE STUFF WAS FLAMMABLE?

But despite the cold and stuff and all the recriminations about the so-called treats - I REALLY THOUGHT THAT BEING FROM THE NORTH POLE AND ALL THAT SANTA COULD HOLD HIS LIQUOR - Santa was very good to us. So lets just let bygones be bygones. OK????!!!!

Below is a little treat for your amusement, dear bloggee. It is a video I commissioned of me, yours truly, the indomitable Pip of Pip's Ear, opening one of his presents, in this case a pretty neat little toy I call "Tequilla Bomb." Enjoy, but be forewarned, I do tend to get a little carried away with the process of unwrapping a gift. It's not always pretty.

The "Fat Man"

The "Fat Man"
We find him strangely intriguing but they won't let us at him. I think they just want to torment us. Life sucks. One of these days me and Bob are going to get him.

This is the sink we hid under last week.

This is the sink we hid under last week.
Me and old Bob came thisclose to being wiped out by a tornado headed STRAGHT to Lakeview! That was a close one!