Friday, September 26, 2008

Quick - count the number of frogs here!!


You CAN "count" can't you??????? I must warn you I'm in a very "p*ssie" mood - so WATCH OUT!

OK , give up. This is a photo of my famous frog collection, if you will recall - the one that I mentioned in that wonderful little post about "The Most Interesting Dog in the World" - to your RIGHT. What's wrong is that I HAD sixteen frogs!!!

If you CAN "count" (which I sincerely DOUBT) you will note that in the picture above there are only TEN friggin' frogs and one of them isn't even a "frog" but a "rabbit" (???). Get IT???

Bob immediately suspected that the missing frogs had been nabbed by "The Duplicators". "Bear", however, points out - correctly, that if they had been "nabbed" by "Duplicators", there would be MORE frogs, not LESS.........duh! (Between you and me -sometimes I have to wonder about old Bob's mental...meanderings....)

Strange that nobody seems too concerned about this mystery. How very odd! I smell a RAT!
Now, on the other paw, me, Bob and "Bear" are quite obsessed with the "Great Frog Disappearance" as we have dubbed it and we are DETERMINED to get to the BOTTOM of it one way or another.
"She" says that ten frogs ought to be PLENTY enough for one adorable eight-pound Maltillon and that dogs in China would be happy with to! . HAHAHA!
What kind of a moron would be "happy" with ONE frog??? That is too ludicrous to imagine - even in "China", wherever THAT is - IF she didn't just make it up!

"His" guess is that I may not have counted correctly in the FIRST place, - how INSULTING! Then "he" says that the very presence of the counterfeit rabbit among the group shows either I don't know how to count or that I need glasses. Oh YEAH - how many dogs do YOU KNOW wear GLASSES? Yikes - I have my prestige to consider - DO I want to be completely LAUGHED out of my species, I ask you??????? I don't THINK so!!

Well, Bobbie is already googling away, burning the old midnight oil, downing the 'pone, as we speak - trying to solve "The Mystery of the Disappearing Frogs!!! Where is Nancy Drew now that we need her? Bob is trying to google her up now.
Do YOU have any ideas or are you "just along for the purile enjoyment you derive from reading this so-called "blog"???"
Ugh! I don't even KNOW you!

Developing, as they say...

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The "Fat Man"

The "Fat Man"
We find him strangely intriguing but they won't let us at him. I think they just want to torment us. Life sucks. One of these days me and Bob are going to get him.

This is the sink we hid under last week.

This is the sink we hid under last week.
Me and old Bob came thisclose to being wiped out by a tornado headed STRAGHT to Lakeview! That was a close one!