Friday, September 12, 2008

The song of the turtle OR "I'm SOOOO depressed!"

Yesterday, while searching in the "Well of Toys" (fancy name for my toy box) Bob discovered the above guy. We found him way down deep - as you can see - he is pretty "beat up" looking - all "fuzzed out." Bob thinks he's probably a "time traveler", or was left there by a REAL time traveler. We're sending him out forensic testing (!!) which should clear up the mystery.

To be honest - I think he's a pretty cool, little "beat up" dude and what is really neat is that, if you listen close, he hums a little song - I can't figure out what he's saying yet but its pretty great - that he an SING at all!!
"Bear" says he told him his name is "Tortie" and that he was a buddy, not of the "dead one"(you remember HIM - the one in the JAR!!) but the one they had BEFORE that one. His name was "Fumi." I'm glad I don't have a goofy name like that ! Ugh!
Anyway, "Bear" says "Tortie" told him that I am a REINCARNATION of "Fumi" and that is why he has mysteriously appeared in my toy box. "Fumi" sent him to me as a symbol to show that he approves of MY being HIM. HUH????? Now this is just TOO WEIRD!
I think ole "Bear" better lay off the corn pone - fresh or moldy!
"Bear" says his song sounds to him like a bird tweeting - I hope he's not a reincarnated BIRD, too, cuz I HATE BIRDS!
They make me want to puke with all their tweetering and friggin' TWITTERING. They wake me up in the morning just when I am having an excellent dream about cheese or chasing the "Poo'Poo's" who live two doors down!

Wouldn't you know it - the great nutcase , "Bear" says my hatred of birds is further proof that I am the first dead kid after all cuz he heard that he hated birds, too!
BWAAAAAA! I don't WANNA be a re-incarnated dead guy! HELP!!!

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The "Fat Man"

The "Fat Man"
We find him strangely intriguing but they won't let us at him. I think they just want to torment us. Life sucks. One of these days me and Bob are going to get him.

This is the sink we hid under last week.

This is the sink we hid under last week.
Me and old Bob came thisclose to being wiped out by a tornado headed STRAGHT to Lakeview! That was a close one!