Thursday, October 9, 2008

Aha! The plot...thickens.....

Well, dear reader, we have decided you were NOT, as previously thought, behind the "Monkey Frog" caper. You remember, the guy whose ugly puss you see above, the one we found sipping a manhattan bold as brass the other night in Door County?. We're SORRY. God knows this blog has so few readers that we can HARDLY afford to alienate any!!
We were a little ON EDGE up there, what with the WEREWOLVES and all, and you, sadly, were a convenient scapegoat. SORRY.....can you EVER forgive our (adorable) selves???

But then, of course, we must return the the original question - WHO was responsible? Is it a filthy,dirty trick to embarress us or make us cry? Are they trying to drive us mad?
As our favorite reading matter, "The National Enquirer" always says....INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW! And we want to KNOW!
We're going to get the bottom of this. And by the way, do you notice a whole lot of stuff about monkeys lately? for thought, isn't IT?
Well, we do, and even though this monkey appears to be another frog, there's something weird going on here.

Anyway, here's our latest theory about "Monkey Frog."
We figure he's either a "time traveler" from a different century, an "extra-terrestrial", an "inter-dimensional being"", or a spy from the McCain/Palin camp.
I know, I know, you think "GOD, this is one BORING blog about this PARANOID, pampered pooch - don't I have ANYTHING BETTER to do with my life than follow his stupid "exploits" and moronic "THOUGHTS?""
NO YOU DON'T!!! SO lets just put those toxic little ideas to bed RIGHT NOW! Following this blog is one of the most noble, self-affirming and redemptive (for society - you know, the world we are all stuck LIVING IN???) things you will EVER DO or could ever DREAM of doing!
Got IT???? OK, case CLOSED! No MORE talk like that!!!
AND, remember, we are NOT "mad" at you, I tell you, not mad at all.
In fact, dear reader, we LOVE you VERY VERY much!!!
Thank you and good day --oh, and, just to show you how much we ADORE you - the next time you "belly up" to your favorite "gin mill" - have a shot and beer on US!!
Just put it on our tab. ENJOY!!
OH - I ALMOST forgot - back to the compelling "Monkey Frog" saga!!
(Pull your chair up closer to the fireplace, light up a Pall Mall, and take a sip of your favorite libation....)

When we first arrived in Door County, me and "him" would go off exploring the coastline. Let me tell you, it was pretty scary. It was PLENTY dark and it was raining like a "sonofabee."
Then, we started to hear all these weird noises and saw strange lights - heard ominous "gurgles" and saw little water geysers jump up!
Wow - I was scared sh*tless! All of a sudden, "he" jumped about 1/2 a foot in the air and yelled that something grabbed his ankle - something STONG and SHARP!
Well, he ran like hell up the craggy stony steps and I had to follow behind him as fast as I could - which, tee hee...., was PRETTY DAMN FAST - so FAST, in fact, that I beat "HIM" into the house and was just about to slam the door in his face -(HEY - I was scared, ok!!)
But then I turned around first and spied HIM ("Monkey Frog") in the house - sipping that manhatten.That's when he must have got in the house.
Before I knew what hit me, "he" came in, FELL over me and we BOTHwound up sprawled all over the floor and when I looked up, the "Frog" was gone!! Luckily, Spongebob, also, spied him and was able to snap a couple of photos' of him.
But the querie remains, "who is he" and "WHERE did he come from?" He smelled really bad and left a little "reminder" behind - if you .....know what I mean. I just HOPE we NEVER see or SMELL him AGAIN!!

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The "Fat Man"

The "Fat Man"
We find him strangely intriguing but they won't let us at him. I think they just want to torment us. Life sucks. One of these days me and Bob are going to get him.

This is the sink we hid under last week.

This is the sink we hid under last week.
Me and old Bob came thisclose to being wiped out by a tornado headed STRAGHT to Lakeview! That was a close one!