Sunday, December 28, 2008

Too much of the old corn liquor. NOT!!!

MEANTIME - back in the Biosphere:

(WOW - wait til you hear where Bob and I have been!!!)

Well, we were minding our own business, sitting under a tree, having a wee nip in the early evening when there was a slight SHIFT in the earth!!!
THEN we FELL into the same deep HOLE that Mayor Spinaltzzzo ALMOST tumbled into in the infamous ground breaking ceremony last month! The earth just OPENED UP and (gulp) swallowed us up - WHOLE!
Down, down, down we went!
Whoa! We fell a LONG way down! I don't know how things would have ended up if "Spongebobby" hadn't broken my fall, but, bloggee, this scene was at the bottom???? You wouldn't BELIEVE!!

Is this the back door of the Temple of Doom? (We have seen STRANGE activity in this area before, but we never expected this!)
After we landed, we tried to recover our wits. After checking for broken bones or loose threads and we knew we were OK, we decided to check things out!

First we saw a steady stream of tiny little SNAILS sliding up to some kind of ALTAR! They were carrying itty bitty gifts of fruit and vegetables, tiny bits really, almost microscopic.

Every now and then, a POP (!) of fire and smoke came out of the WEIRD jeweled eyes up there - or whatever the hell they were. Then the lips crawled around and sucked up all the bits of food and slime. Yuck. YUCK, YUCK, YUCK, YUCK, YUCK!

Bob puked all over me!! DOUBLE, DOUBLE YUCK!!!

I scooped the poor sick kid up and we beat feet OUTTA there! UP, up the slimy walls we tried to slither and climb - up a bit, then slide down TWO bits!

Eventually, we made it up to the surface (I was carrying Bobby in my mouth!) and we BOTH kissed ole TERRA FIRMA - we were so happy to be above ground again! HOORAY! We had to RUN over to where we had been sitting to see if our bottle of good "pone" was still there but, alas, it was GONE, too! It had fallen down the hole with us and was now lost to eternity!! (We would have to remedy that as soon as we got back home!)

Bloggee, what an adventure we had!!

Then we heard the snap snap of a camera - someone nosybody had called the paparazzi but we ran real fast and managed to give them the slip (we can be quite sneaky when we want to.....)

Truth be known, bloggee dear, ever since we started this mother freakin' blog (which is sometimes QUITE a burden!!!) we have had precious little privacy, and frankly, it is getting on our nerves. Give us a break, bloggees - we can't maintain this level of BRILLIANCE and WIT everyday!!.
Come on. NOW BUGGER OFF!!! I mean, I've got a sick sponge on my hands and I'm a little bit SHAKEN UP. OK???!!!

WOW - when you stop and think about it - who KNEW the sort of stuff that is happening right under our feet in Snail Heights???

Triple double yuck.

BTW, don't even MENTION the "mega bucks" "Heaven's Glen" community and what may be going on THERE!!"

(Don't worry, bloggee, we still *HEART* you in the EXTREME - we were just blowing off a little steam...)

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The "Fat Man"

The "Fat Man"
We find him strangely intriguing but they won't let us at him. I think they just want to torment us. Life sucks. One of these days me and Bob are going to get him.

This is the sink we hid under last week.

This is the sink we hid under last week.
Me and old Bob came thisclose to being wiped out by a tornado headed STRAGHT to Lakeview! That was a close one!