Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Checking on a FEW of the loose ends around here....

Due to popular request ("What the HELL are you going ON about ???") I have written a summary to date of the many threads in the "Pip's Ear" blog:

1.) My name is Pip. I live on Lake Shore Drive and I'm, pretty much, a spoiled brat. Next question??
2.) I have MANY stuffed animals and my best buddy is a sponge named "Bob." OK?
3.)Several of my outdoor snails, namely "Tip" and "Tap," were nabbed by "person or persons unknown" last summer and we have a APB out on them - in this planet or some other one.
4.)My neighbor on one side is a zombie and on the other side are a family of vampires.....so????
5.)I live with "him" and "her" - they let me do whatever I want which is JUST the way I like it.
6.) Me and Bob like to stay up into the wee hours of the night, google things and drink some fine freshly made corn pone liquor......mmmmmmmmm.....now THAT is time well spent!
7.) "They" brought in some snails from the garden to live out the winter in a glass bowl they call the "terrarium" but we call it the Biosphere Project. Several snails live in that bowl and they are:
Mr. (now "Mayor") Spinaltzzzo, Dr. Pickles, Little Dorrit and "Big Foot."
Bob and I made up a story about them cuz we are SO BORED! In this story we called part of the Biosphere Project, "Snail Heights" a small townish community with some strange looking "houses" which may be holograms as they change a lot - from castles to shanties, etc.
8.) There is a rival project in the Biosphere called "Heaven's Gate" which is still only a PROPOSAL at this point but, WOW!, when it, finally gets built, its going to be INCREDIBLE! It will make Trump Tower look like Pottersville and it will be a "cradle to eternal rest" community - "Satisfies ALL your needs from burping to cremating and in between, too."
9.)Due to the poor economy, sales have been slow at the "Gate" project but, regardless, the builders went ahead with the ground breaking ceremony.
A terrible construction accident occurred, however, and an enormous hole was uncovered which almost swallowed up the Mayor, himself. The project was halted until tests were run on the terrain.
10.) A series of unsettling events involving Mayor Spinaltzzzo and the Trust Fund for the entire Biosphere have caused riotous developments in that he has been charged with SOLICITING BRIBES and GIFTS in order to secure contracts for his cronies.
I, Pip, have been working as his attorney, although there IS a SMALL shadow on my law license due to the fact that my alma mater, "Ole Snailey" University Law School's accredidation has been challenged and is, currently, under scrutiny by the Board of Examiners.
At a recent press conference an intrepid reporter threw his shoes at the Mayor, which is a well known sign of contempt among snails. He was thoroughly trounced by the SBP (Special Biosphere Police) and tossed into the fetid "Guacamole Prison," located in the swampish, far reaches of Lower Snail Hts.
The family of the intrepid reporter has rallied thousands to his cause. Rioting has been almost non-stop since rumors surfaced regarding his receiving poor treatment while in Prison.
Whispers continue that the poor wretch is being denied the required amounts of both shaved organic apple slices AND cuttle bone which are necessary for a snail to keep body and soul together!
Yow - this is getting damn UGLY (!)an anathema to the entire snail nation!
OH!!!! I ALMOST forgot - a UFO crashed into my FAVORITE place to walk in the whole world - Montrose Harbor. After hours of cleanup by the UFO SPECIAL UNIT SQUAD - a tiny brown egg was retrieved from the freezing lake waters. It was brought to a special LAB where it is under 24 hour POLICE GUARD. The last thing we heard (via the ever vigilant Snail Hts rumor mill) was that the egg was SHAKING and it looked like SOMETHING was about to HATCH out of it!!
Can you believe all this action and I've only been blogging for about 4 months! Imagine what will happen next!! Stay tuned, dear bloggee!

1 comment:

N said...

OK, kiddo, what about the frogs and your embarrassing attempt to run away from home, eh? I notice you are pretty quiet about that caper. Lets have full disclosure.


The "Fat Man"

The "Fat Man"
We find him strangely intriguing but they won't let us at him. I think they just want to torment us. Life sucks. One of these days me and Bob are going to get him.

This is the sink we hid under last week.

This is the sink we hid under last week.
Me and old Bob came thisclose to being wiped out by a tornado headed STRAGHT to Lakeview! That was a close one!